PC freezes or BSOD everytime I play games.


Apr 26, 2016
Every time I get to games I can play a few minutes and then crash, crash, and crash.

I recently updated my PC from 4 GB DRR2 to 8Gb with 2 x 2 gb more and renewed my video card from a Radeon 5750 to a RX480.
Installed both 1 week ago, no problems at all. Finally I could play FarCry 4 properly, all maxed.
Then yesterday crashes started. First were complete freezes with the image locked and buzzing weird and loud sounds.

I solved that, uninstalled HDMI sound since I use the motherboard 3.5 connectors and disabled all other sound devices.
No longer weird sounds, still crashes after 2 to 20 minutes of playing.
Yesterday the PC didn't booted at all, it didn't even loaded BIOS. So I disconnected everything and left the microprocessor and started trying 1 by one the 4 RAM's. All worked and booted, then installed again the RX480 (was using the onboard video) and booted. Then one by one the Hard Drives, all booted.

Last night I played WoT for an hour, not a single problem. Today I watched a series chapter, navigated internet and then started FarCry4. Crash.

I uninstalled all AMD software and used a tool recommended here to completely erase old drivers, since I just installed the latest drivers over the old ones without erasing them when I installed the new card. Deleted the sound drivers too, disabled Windows for automatically updating drivers and used Safe Mode to install the new drivers once all clean.
Played FarCry 4 for 2 hours without problems. 6 hours latter all games crash the PC into BSOD again.

Windows image check finds no problems on windows files. But loading checkdisk on C got stuck at 30% for half hour. On CrystalDisk Info C disk partition is healthy and all ok.

I am very annoyed with this because I take time, fix it and think I've solved it just to reaper later.

This is my hardware:


Does that have anything to do with it?, that is the Blackberry suit for file management on my cellphone. Should I uninstall it to try if it solves the issue?.
Seems to be a RAM issue. Disconnected all again and tried part by part and found that without the 2 new RAMs I put it starts fine. Just noticed when loading the BIOS it says 667 while the other 2 are 800 mhz.
The thing is the 2 new are generic DDR2s but supposedly 800 too. I don't know why it goes down to 667. I had them installed in dual channel, the 2 SuperTalent old RAMs and this 2 new ones, one each in each ram slot colors.