PC freezing during games

My friends PC is freezing when he plays games, and usually when the game first loads and some times up to 30min of playing. the game doesnt freeze, the whole system just hangs. I've ran Memtest with no memory problems, and hard drive tests and benchmarks and SMART is okay and other tests on seatools came up passed, and the drive gets above 100mbs on reads with hd tune and up to 180 max, so seems the drive is fine.

Phenom II X4 945 OC @ 3.4Ghz 1.4v as gigabyte bios wont allow the voltage to be lowered
Gigabyte GA78LMT-USB3 rev 5
Cooler master TX2
Corsair Vengeance 1866 2x4Gb
MSI GTX 570 1.25Gb reference stock
Corsair GS600
WD 1Tb Blue 7200rpm
Windows 7 pro 64

As i said the ram passed memtest, and the hdd seems to be of good health, the OC is fine i mean what cpu doesnt OC 400mhz at 1.4v lol, the gpu fan speed is manually set around 65% so it doesnt overheat, cant seem to figure out what the problem is.

Seems to work under normal use or light load, and also seems to work for extended periods of time after an initial freeze/hang. he played an emulator for hours without a problem so may be a load problem, but not sure
Hey there, lazyboy947!

I'm sorry to hear about your PC freezing! 🙁 I'd suggest you to test your HDD using WD's Data LifeGuard Diagnostics tool. Make sure you run the extended test as well as the quick one. Better safe than sorry, right? This way we can take a closer look at the S.M.A.R.T. status of the drive. Here's a link to the utility: http://products.wdc.com/support/kb.ashx?id=kgYvco
What about the graphics card? Make sure you've updated the chipset drivers.
Here is a thread that might shed some light on how to test the graphics card: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-2189736/test-graphic-card-working-fine.html

Keep me posted! :)
the hard drive passed the extended and quick tests, and the gpu never dropped under 99% usage, and about 65c under the gpu burn in, including the cpu being at 100% with safe temps. GPU driver is up to date as well, no problems for the few minutes the gpu tests ran.
bumped the OC back down to 3300mhz, from the 3400ish it was at, and set some settings from auto or normal to a set range, like HT and NB, and cpu voltage even though it still always ran around 1.4v anyway. Furmark with a cpu/gpu stress for 3 hours went fine, so if it doesnt freeze in the future im going with it didnt like the fsb overclocking that is needed on non BE cpus