PC gaming build


Jan 8, 2014
So I've been working on designing this build
as cheaply and as powerfully as possible to run all modern video games on high, namely BF4, COD and FC4 this is my current build right here http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Ivan101/saved/34yR, if yall could think of any thing better/cheaper please message back (max budget is 1050$

games have different setting for each game but the fps just ?repen? on were you are in the game less say u r in a big map in BF4 and you look down at the ground and then you look forewords and you say hey why is my FPS going down well you looked foreword too fast so the video ram has,to load up all of the Graphic and the map has,to load up on the .S.ram but after it loads more of the area it might go faster.

i have a GTX 550 1gb, and at the time when MP was free i had 4 gb .S.ram and i ran it on high 25. 15. FPS but not max out...

how many FPS should i be able to get?

games have different setting for each game but the fps just ?repen? on were you are in the game less say u r in a big map in BF4 and you look down at the ground and then you look forewords and you say hey why is my FPS going down well you looked foreword too fast so the video ram has,to load up all of the Graphic and the map has,to load up on the .S.ram but after it loads more of the area it might go faster.

i have a GTX 550 1gb, and at the time when MP was free i had 4 gb .S.ram and i ran it on high 25. 15. FPS but not max out setting if i did, the screen would go white after i have looked at a big area.

8 core CPU is great exl CPU for BF4