PC Gaming Build

For a $1000 Budget you really have an under performing PC, I would recommend dedicating more of the money to the PC its self and then worry less about things such as LEDs, Headsets and such. The case you have seems quite expensive so I swapped it out in the build I just made for you. Also, the power supply you have is way above where you need for that amount of voltage. In my build, I upgraded the processor to an i7-7700 and to a GTX 1060 6GB along with 8 more GB then your build. I kept in your headphones and also got you a better monitor. Now I'm going to stop rambling and just show you the build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Tom15781/saved/MXrwP6

Hey dude thanks for this, but I am in AUS, and the prices there are in American (I think) looks like a really good build, just don't have the money if it is in American... Thanks dude anyway