PC gets BSOD with error 0xc000021a then crashes.


Apr 3, 2013

R9 290
Samsung 240 EVO (OS)
My PC used to crash quite frequently (2-3 times a day) but after trying to update my 290's drivers (I was updating but had latest version so I tried rolling back because of the frequent crashes) my PC stopped booting past post. I cannot enter Safe Mode via keyboard so I looked for it in my BIOS but could not find any type of 'Boot in safe mode' option.

Everything has been double checked that it is plugged in properly so can someone please help me?
If you are unable to reinstall Windows you can also look at this article.
Depending on your version of Windows, this should help. If it does not, then I would suggest reinstalling Windows again.

I kind of found a solution but still have an issue; now it says "No AMD drivers are installed" however, they are and when I click "update drivers to latest" in device manager, it says the best are already installed. Any idea how to fix this?