PC Getting repeated bluescreens after installing MSI GTX 970 Gaming Video Card

Sharpe Vil

Jun 15, 2015
So, I've been going at this with google all night, hoping for any answer that isn't "Your video card doesn't work."

Here's what's going on. Earlier today, I replaced my old Radeon video card with the MSI GTX 970 Gaming card. After the installation, however, the computer began having frequent crashes every 5-20 minutes. The two errors I would get were "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" and more commonly "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA".

So, after fiddling with a number of things, updating all drivers, completely removing all traces of drivers and reinstalling them, I was still getting crashes both of programs and the system itself. As a last ditch effort, because this computer had very little data on it (It was a hand-me-down I got from a friend earlier in the week) I decided to completely wipe the hard drive and reinstall windows 7.

I began a custom installation of windows 7, deleting all existing partitions from the hard drive. Partway through installation, I got yet another BSOD. Here's the relevant information I can see from it, not including text I assume is in all similar BSODs:



Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x00000050 ( 0xFFFFFAC006EC0198, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFF88001EDC1DE, 0x0000000000000005)

*** Ntfs.sys - Address FFFFF88001EDC1DE base at FFFFF88001E57000, DateStamp 4ce792f9

Here's what's in the computer to the best I can tell:
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 P1.50
Processor: Intel core i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Graphics: MSI GTX 970 Gaming
2 4gb ram sticks
Corsair CX600 Power Supply
The old gpu was an XFX R7750. Radeon card. I haven't tried putting it back in yet.

I'll try the ram test, but I'd be very surprised. I got the PC only about a week ago, and had reinstalled Windows and been using it successfully without a single crash until yesterday. It was only after I had changed graphics cards that I began getting near-constant BSODs.
The correct answer ended up being the simplest. My card simply wasn't installed correctly. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but after taking the card out, putting the old card in, then swapping the cards again, the problem was fixed.