Question Pc gone bad

Feb 6, 2021
I Recently cleaned my computer and when I went to pugged my power supply back in the usual flicker of lights happened. what isn't normal is when I go to turn my computer back on the power flickers on and off and when I press the power button again it boots up but my computer started acting slower when i opened up my task manager it was showing 100 percent disk usage on both my Hard drive and SSD for simple reading task when running games I noticed a spike in my cpu and gpu usage going from 20-30% cpu usage and 40-60 gpu usage to 50-80 cpu and 70-100 gpu.

My first thought was that my disk were fragmented so I ran a defragger and is showed that my 500gb ssd had 200gb of defragmentation and after it had 67gb of defragmentation. I then ran it on my hdd and it showed that out of the 4tb it had 600gb of fragmentation after it went down to 12gb.

after all that it seemed to help with freezing in games but it didnt fix the high gpu and cpu usage I have done other things as well to try and help like swapping the ram slots in hopes that would do something just to see a change. I also cleaned out some of my ssd storage to see if that would help make it faster then did a scan using ATTO that said my 64mb disk read on my ssd was 54mb and my hdd was 8mb

I'm mainly wondering if there are any scanners I can use to see what the problem is with my gpu or cpu or my disk.

My specs are a NVidia 2080 super
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
32.0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1300MHz
476GB Drevo X1 pro 512GB (SATA (SSD)
3726GB Western Digital WDC WD40EZRZ-00GXCB0
EVGA 210-GQ-0750-V1 750 GQ, 80+ GOLD 750W
Yeah sadly I learned that after I did it to not defragment an ssd. and the slow I'm talking about is when I open something it takes a super long time to open it due to my drives being slow and the bigger problem I feel like I'm having is that everything uses so much more resources like for example discord is using up to 20 percent cpu while streaming a game and 8% while just idol my chrome is using around 20% as well and my systems are using a lot more as well. and the only cleaning I did was using an air can to get rid of some dust that was in there.
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Since the you describe an effect that for me is very general, I'd guess you have either or a combination of problems:
  • Some malware on your system, maybe a crypto mining software.
  • Temperature issue. Try running OCCT stresstest/benchmark and post screenshots of the results.
  • Acual problem with storage devices. Look up the S.M.A.R.T. data for the device (need software for that)

Btw - Your ssd may got some less-than-good review - example found:
Your link doesnt work, I just get this message:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access denied.</Message>
<Details>Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object.</Details>
ok so I noticed that my gpu fan has been acting weird it will rev up then go down i think that's probably the issue is there any way that i could fix it or do i just need a new gpu
my fans are at full speed and the gpu is still getting too 81C so I'm gonna get some thermal paste and take my gpu apart and apply a new thing of paste to it hoping that will help it doesn't seem to be having problems with the fan ill post occt test when it gets done
my fans are at full speed and the gpu is still getting too 81C so I'm gonna get some thermal paste and take my gpu apart and apply a new thing of paste to it hoping that will help it doesn't seem to be having problems with the fan ill post occt test when it gets done
What fans are full speed and doing what.
Don't just jump to tearing apart your video card that can be a major mistake a 2080 S is not old enough to need that!!!!!!!!!!