Pc got into restart Loop

Mar 29, 2018
Hello, I have a problem. Recently i've brought new Power suplly as my new one burn't out. Also got new processor for upgrade the older one. So I've reolaced new Power supply and checked pc did boot up, but when I changed CPU old was LGA1155 and New is 1155 that mother board should support. PC wouldn't start up. When I turn on power switch all fans start up but after 3 seconds pc restarts. And it does that all the time. So tryed all connections/ reconnect all. Same. Changed back CPU into old one and with my old CPU same. Only stops restarting when i disconnect both rams. But why? Thank you in advance for your thoughts
Put old CPU in there, stick one ram, unplug PC from wall, remove battery, and switch PSU to ON, keep and hold power button for 30s~ (that should reset bios to factory default,drain any electricity, dont plug it into wall),
now to be sure there on motherboard should be on bottom by sata ports, saying "CLRT" move from (it has 3 pins 1-2-3) 1-2 pin to 2-3 pin to be sure its cleared (keep it for atleast 10 seconds), before starting or powering return it to 1-2.

Disconnnect HDD (sata that plugs into motherboard), stick to onboard (no dedicated GPU), and just plug in monitor for now (i had issues when keyboard and mouse wouldn't let PC boot).
Now switch PSU off and re-plug to wall power, stick back battery, and power it on (yes switch PSU...

My motherboard is ASUS P8H61-M LE/USB3, new CPU Intel Core i5-3470 3.6GHz Socket LGA1155 Ivy Bridge , 750w INTEGRATOR MOD XT. I did everything what you mentioned. The worst thing is that even if I put back my old CPU which 100% work on that motherboard still reset pc if RAM's are connected
I've checked for bent pins but I couldn't see anything wrong. I suspect that rams gone, but cant understand how. If I remove rams then mother board gives a signal 1 long and 3 short in means than no rams?
Put old CPU in there, stick one ram, unplug PC from wall, remove battery, and switch PSU to ON, keep and hold power button for 30s~ (that should reset bios to factory default,drain any electricity, dont plug it into wall),
now to be sure there on motherboard should be on bottom by sata ports, saying "CLRT" move from (it has 3 pins 1-2-3) 1-2 pin to 2-3 pin to be sure its cleared (keep it for atleast 10 seconds), before starting or powering return it to 1-2.

Disconnnect HDD (sata that plugs into motherboard), stick to onboard (no dedicated GPU), and just plug in monitor for now (i had issues when keyboard and mouse wouldn't let PC boot).
Now switch PSU off and re-plug to wall power, stick back battery, and power it on (yes switch PSU to on).

Now if still hangs to boot, press reset once it should stay on for several seconds and then restart. It could beep.

Double check that you have plugged fan for CPU fan, check for power connector Above CPU area that you plugged in, and 24PIN.