PC Graphic Card Upgrade


Nov 18, 2016
Hello, I have an ATC-605-UB11 Acer aspire desktop. The specs are Here:https://www.amazon.com/Acer-ATC-605-UB11-i5-4440-Windows-Desktop/dp/B00KVSDV0W

I'm looking to upgrade the Graphics card to play Sims 4/Sims 3/Sims 2. Would it be possible to upgrade the GC or just buy a whole new gaming PC for 500+ with room to upgrade. I honestly think this PC is a good PC just needs a boost in the graphics card area.
Without looking at the motherboard, not sure what could work. But if I had to guess, and you REALLY only play those types of games, I would recommend a GTX 1050 Ti 4GB. Maybe even the GTX 1050 which doesn't require power from the PSU. Again, I am guessing and going off the fact you want to play Sims games.

Which doesn't require additional(aka auxiliary) power that would be supplied by PCIe 6 or 8 pin supplementary power cables.

I run a blog/YouTube for the sims so I only use my PC for that. So I didn't wanna buy a whole new PC just to play the Sims, I don't think it would be worth it if I could just upgrade the one I have now.
I play console for all other games.

I agree with herc about the 1050ti. The issue here is that you are on the very bottom end of the required PSU. The 1050 asks for a 300W PSU. A 300W PSU does not ALWAYS supply 300W. There are efficiency ratings and other electrical specs that are well above my head that impact its continuous power. I recommend a more powerful PSU. Even a lower teir PSU like https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Warranty-Power-Supply-100-N1-0400-L1/dp/B00LV8TZAG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479479651&sr=8-1&keywords=400W+PSU would be better suited for the 1050 than what your PSU would be.

TECHNICALLY speaking your system meets the 1050's MINIMUM specs.......

Again, it's hard because this is pre-built, and I have no clue what the motherboard is. But a GTX 1050 would probably be your best bet. They are under $150

Everything in that computer is fine. Maybe you would have to replace the PSU because pre builts are bound to have crappy PSU's. Get a $100-120 GPU, like the RX 460 or the GTX 1050, and you should be fine. Best of luck!

Nice. So replacing the PSU with the one aquielisunari mentioned and getting the GTX 1050 would help solve my issue??
Also, Does all of that fit in the case as well?

You really don't have much room in that case. Its cable management is also very poor. I recommend this https://www.amazon.com/ZOTAC-DisplayPort-Dual-Link-Graphics-ZT-P10510A-10L/dp/B01MCU1ERO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1479482763&sr=8-1&keywords=1050+mini .