PC hangs at random times


Mar 26, 2014

I have a peculiar issue with my PC:

At random times, it just hangs (mouse pointer still works, but everything else is unresponsive).
If I reboot the pc I get the "Reboot and Select proper Boot device" error and can't see the hdd in BIOS. If i shut-down the PC and turn it on, then the hdd is recognized and everything works until the random issue appears again.

System specs :
Motherboard : Gigabyte H77-DS3H
CPU : Intel CoreTM i7 3770 IvyBridge
HDD : Western Digital Blue, 1TB, 64MB, 7200rpm, SATA 3
Power source : Inter-Tech Energon 650W
RAM : Kingston 8GB 1333MHz DDR3 Non-ECC CL9 DIMM
OS: Windows 8.1

I also want to mention I have this issue for 1 week, and the PC is 1 year old
At first tried to reinstal my OS, but after that the issue resurfaced. I guess it's most likely a hardware issue, and I want to know for certain what to send to warranty (not all parts are from the same place)

Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the reply.
Just ordered myself a ssd (meaning to get one ..so why not) and I'll reply again after a few test with it.