Question Pc hard freeze while gaming 2080S

Jun 25, 2019
First of all I want to say that I had an RTX 2070 which had artifacting i RMA'd it three times but they changed a part and sent it back every time. Took a month each time btw. So I had enough and I bought an RTX 2080 SUPER. Then I bought myself a new 2k monitor as well. I don't get artifacting or any abnormalities with my new GPU and it passes all the 3dmark and furmark tests. Tested everything on userbenchmark too, system is stable and performing above average.

So I after testing the new GPU I played LoL for some days, everything still fine. Then I fired up BF V. After playing like 30 min both my screens hard freeze and it stuck like that. Literally both screens screenshot themselves and stay like that until I hard reset the PC. I tried waiting for a BSOD but nothing comes. There is also no audio loop as well, just the last image i see on the screen and silence until reset. So I took one my rams and tested each for 3 hours in memtest86. No errors on both. Clean installed win10 but same. Then I changed the PCI-e cables to the GPU(just swapped the positions of it). This fixed my problem for 2 days.

But today I started playing Remnant with my friend and my PC screen frooze perma again. At this point idk what to do. I played 50 hours of League and nothing happens but demanding games in 2k makes it crash. I also played Senua's Hellblade which was really GPU intensive yet it did not crash for 5 hours. I suspect it only happens when both CPU and GPU are pushed to limits.(temps always normal)

I tried:

  • Reinstalling windows
  • Swapping PCI-E cables
  • Ram test
  • Furmark and 4 different 3dMark test passed.
  • Nvidia drivers with DDU and new windows.(3 different drivers all with DDU)

This was the situtation when the moment pc crashed. So I don't think it is a temperature issiue either. I am suspecting and hoping that it is the PSU but ssd temp looks a little too mcuh aswell.

/ CPU shows 7700k dont mind it its a bug same with GPU memmory.

CPU: i7 9700k




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That's a bit of a stretch. Faulty PSU is going to shut down or restart the PC. Not cause the PC to freeze in game.

That said, why are you using Corsair's cheapest power supply with such high end components? I mean.. that's just asking for issues.
Maybe it's exceeding the power limit and making it crash because I never had this issiue with my GTX970 in the same system. Yet my RTX 2070 and 2080 both have this problem. (2070 had it way rarer).
Problem was gone for 25 days after I installed the new PSU.
Yesterday night I was playing Battlefront II Multiplayer and it happened again. Complete screen freeze. I had to hold the power button for a restart.
After 60 hours of Red Dead Redemption is crashed for the first time just now. But this time it recovered to a black screen saying "All settings were reset to default values. The previous overclock settings have failed system has been restored to its default settings." But I only had XMP profile open no other overclocks except xmp and the factory overclock of my GPU.
Its not supported by the motherboard according to MSI, only the 3400 with samsung die is supported.
Well that sucks. Crashes are also so random. A month of gaming nothing. Its crazy how random and inconsistent it is. I already spent too much with this system and I changed my PSU which was really expensive. Now are we sure that it is ram because its gonna really hurt me if this wouldn't work too.
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Did u ever find your issue? I have pretty similar issues with my RTX 2070, very inconsistent crashes, no BSOD, just freeze screen like you mentionned. i can go 2 weeks + without a crash, but it will eventually happen.

I also have a Z390 MSI MPG ( but the Carbon pro ) ....
After a year of struggle trying everything out I solved the issue, yes. I just set my CPU voltage to 1.32V and its fixed. Which is weird because I used default CPU values and even reseted by bios couple of times with different updates. I even removed the MOBO battery to reset to default values. Maybe my CPU doesn't work in factory settings I don't know.
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After a year of struggle trying everything out I solved the issue, yes. I just set my CPU voltage to 1.32V and its fixed. Which is weird because I used default CPU values and even reseted by bios couple of times with different updates. I even removed the MOBO battery to reset to default values. Maybe my CPU doesn't work in factory settings I don't know.

Okay interesting, I think we might have the same issue. So you had it at AUTO when you were crashing? and than you just manually set it to 1.32v? isnt that bad because your always providng 1.32v which is probably too much for low CPU usage?

And are you running stock processor settings otherwise? @ 3.6 GHZ + turboboost?
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