PC Hard freezing Hard reset


Mar 22, 2017
I’ve had my build for a year now and I’ve been having hard freezing problems where the screen locks up and I have to manually shutdown. I can tell that it’s about to happen when my fans pick up speed while playing overwatch/pubg. My temperatures stay around 70-75 on cpu and GPU.

CPU: AMD FX 8350 black edition
GPU: AMD r9 Radeon 280x
Motherboard: CORSAIR Vengeance 16GB
CPU fan: Noctua NH-L9A
Hard drive: WD blue 2T
Power: CORSAIR CX series CX750 750W
use you gpu in another computer install the driver for it and use this https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ and you press the question mark to start rendering that will stress gpu .

CPU: amd FX-8350 Black Edition Visher 8-Core 4.0 GHz
I am unsure what kind of case it is currently as it was my brothers old one..


I just don’t understand why my brother had the same build and didn’t have any problems. I’m gonna get a Asus gtx1060 6gb thinking it would help.


I forgot to mention the gpu is around 3 years old from my brother. Also I have tried cleaning it and double checking the wires. The reason why I believe it’s the gpu that’s causing the problem. Is when the fans pick up speed I can hear it before it crashed.

Would you mind explaining how I would do this please!