PC Hard Hang


Jun 29, 2014
Brand new build

Windows 7 GTX 780 VC - Intel Core i7 4790 - Thermal take TP 850 PSU - Samsung 840BW EVO SATA - Gigabyte Z97-HD3 - 16gb RAM

Running for 6 days and had 3 hard hangs/freezes (5 hours after startup browsing web, one the next day after 14 hours of use whilst watching a stream the last this morning after 12 hours of use whilst in-game on wildstar).

I have ran memtest86, furmark and prime95 and all tests were passed.

All windows updates are installed (from after 1st crash) and BIOS and all peripherals are upto date. Latest firmware is upto date with SSD.

The hangs are hard and require a restart at tower (caps lock and mouse dont work). (speakers emit a rough pitch - obviously the sound goes away if I turn them off during hang).

Can't pinpoint the issue only thought is to test another PSU.

Here is a link to system/application info from event viewer and my system info.

EDIT: 4th freeze accompanied with loud high pitched tone if speakers turned up - goes away if turned off - sys/app logs linked here http://1drv.ms/1maL7Ip
I have used hardware monitor and seen no issues - PC is used for Design work (adobe suite) primarily as well as being useful for gaming. Power Supply unit easily has room to power it all, what reason do you suggest it is bad for? I think the PSU has a chance at being faulty but not necessarily a bad piece in the build otherwise.

report here
Replaced the PSU unit with an old 850w Zoltan to test if it is the PSU but had another crash. At this stage I think I need to take back the graphics card or motherboard (both under warranty) to the supplier as one of the mmust be faulty.

Replaced the PSU unit with an old 850w Zoltan to test if it is the PSU but had another crash. At this stage I think I need to take back the graphics card or motherboard (both under warranty) to the supplier as one of the mmust be faulty.

G Skill-NT 16GB (8Gx2) DDR3 1600

Bios is upto date (part of week 1 troubleshooting)

I'm not sure if this is an issue or not - but I noticed that when I tried to eject my portable hard drive I couldn't, it only offered to eject my SATA drive and when I checked resource monitor the external wasn't listed. I powered off and restarted after unplugging it. Will see what happens.
well I jsut had another crash - after a week of no crashes using my old gcu i decided ithat was the problem and actually had replaced the card at my rretailer for a new one. I HAVE NOT oput it in yet but just had another crash now - not a freeze a pure crash. this is with my old gcu in. here is the event viewer log, any help? winninit an issue again.

event viewer logs here: