I don't know if any of you guys are still following this post but will post this here and if I grt no answer I will make another thread. So, you know the old problem it was fixed since then but now, I think that I found the reason of it. So, few minutes ago, I tried to start my pc and while it was displaying GPU info(model, corporation etc) I heard a weird sound coming out from the PC, like scrathing very hard a CD even if I had no CDs/DVDs in it so I powered it off and let it like that about 1 minute. Then, same sound came out of it but this time I let it run. It all booted fine ultil it reached the part with the blinking underscore screen, after that, nothing shows up on my monitor, not start windows normaly, safe mode, safe mod with networking, nothing, just a black screen. At first, I tought it was my GPU so I removed it and placed the cable in the mobo integrated GPU and I got the same reault, just a black screen after blinking underscore. My question is: is the HDD dead? The PC displays it on the first "info" screen(it shows at the top MSI then below my RAM, CPU, all this stuff and info about them including the HDD. It could still be recognized by the PC even if it is dead?