Within the last 2 weeks my PC has completely bugged out. I have had two of the components for 2 years (ish) now ,that is the CPU and Hardrive, and suddenly noticed that during the launching of a game of programme it would freeze up completely, windows would crash as a whole and I'd have to restart. Upon restarting sometimes it would say "Please plug in a valid boot device" or something similar which Im guessing is due to my Motherboard not detecting my Hardrive, I have had numerous other boot up issues but managed to use CMD commands to get past them. I recently installed some de fragmenting and registry fixing software which seems to have done the trick, Im just curious is its worth me buying a new hardrive and/or CPU?
>inb4 PC is bad
Specs are decent, just a case of heavy use now and again
PC does keep freezing but with less frequency, it keep tripping almost, even when I just try to right click...
>inb4 PC is bad
Specs are decent, just a case of heavy use now and again
PC does keep freezing but with less frequency, it keep tripping almost, even when I just try to right click...