PC keeps restarting!


Oct 3, 2016
Hi guys, complete noob here so sorry if I'm being dumb but I Just built my first ever gaming PC and it will not stay on. When I press the button to power up everything comes to life like all the fans etc.. but it then cuts out after 10 seconds but then turns itself on again and then cuts out again and so on. During all of this there is no image to my monitor so I can't access bios or anything. I have no idea what to do 🙁

I should add that when the CPU cable from the power is not plugged into the motherboard everything stays on but there is still no picture to my monitor.

My parts -

Intel core i5 6500 skylake
Gigabyte geforce gtx 1060
Gigabyte H110M S2H motherboard
Hyper X 16gb ram ddr4
Corsair vs650 psu
1 tb hard drive
It powers up when CPU power is not connected, but it doesn't display because the CPU is not able to sync with the other components of the motherboard... The CPU is probably not able to properly power up at all.

To answer your question about the power supply, it's listed as Tier 4 in the Tom's Hardware PSU Tier List.

Tier 4 is defined as follows: "Built down to a low price. Not exactly the most stable units ever created. Very basic safety circuitry or even thin gauge wiring used. Not for gaming rigs or overclocking systems of any kind. Avoid unless your budget dictates your choice."

I recommend the Corsair AX/AXi/HX/HXi/RMi/RMx series, the EVGA SuperNOVA G2/GS/P2/T2 series, and the more budget friendly Seasonic M12ii Bronze...
Oh really? In what way? Is it not enough power for all the components? Yes I know but when it's plugged in the PC cuts out 10 seconds into boot and then just restart over and over, whilst not displaying anything in the monitor. When it's unplugged the fans and everything stays on but still doesn't send anything to the monitor. Yes the motherboard and ram are ddr4. It's 2x8 gb and they are in ram slots :)
It powers up when CPU power is not connected, but it doesn't display because the CPU is not able to sync with the other components of the motherboard... The CPU is probably not able to properly power up at all.

To answer your question about the power supply, it's listed as Tier 4 in the Tom's Hardware PSU Tier List.

Tier 4 is defined as follows: "Built down to a low price. Not exactly the most stable units ever created. Very basic safety circuitry or even thin gauge wiring used. Not for gaming rigs or overclocking systems of any kind. Avoid unless your budget dictates your choice."

I recommend the Corsair AX/AXi/HX/HXi/RMi/RMx series, the EVGA SuperNOVA G2/GS/P2/T2 series, and the more budget friendly Seasonic M12ii Bronze series of power supplies.

I think that the power supply is your problem. I recommend leaving the system unplugged until you get a higher quality power supply. Let's hope that it hasn't damaged any other components yet.

I can say for sure that the power supply is the source of your problems, although I cannot say that replacing it will fix the issue entirely. A lot of power supplies damage other components like motherboards, graphics cards and drives when they fail. Let's hope that that's not the case here.

For future reference, the Tom's Hardware PSU Tier List is a good place to start to learn about different companies and which models are higher quality. For more detailed information, private message me or a senior moderator named SR-71 Blackbird. You can also check out a website called Johnny Lucky. The power supply section is very detailed and is definitely worth a look if you're wanting to learn more about how this stuff works.
Even if updating the BIOS gets rid of these problematic symptoms, that low quality power supply still poses a threat to the lifespan of the system.

Although if OP reported that a new power supply didn't solve the problem, that was going to be my next suggestion. Only thing is, I would like OP to replace the power supply before updating the BIOS. You see, if a BIOS update is interrupted before it's allowed to finish, then that's it for the board. It'll brick it if it doesn't update successfully.

I recommend waiting until the power supply is replaced before updating the BIOS.
Thanks for the suggestion! :) However I can't update the BIOS as there is no video being outputted to my monitor. As an update for you I have returned the mobo, ram, psu and the i5 and got a refund. I'm now thinking of getting the same i5, a new mobo by a different brand and a RMx Series™ RM650x — 650 Watt 80 PLUS® Gold Certified Fully Modular PSU (UK), is that psu better?