pc lagging all of a sudden


Mar 25, 2015
so from this morning ive been facing a strange kind of lag on my pc....there's no mosue pointer lag but chrome opens up a few seconds after double clicking,facebook lags(not because of slow net cuz its fine), fps on games has reduced drastically ( csgo fps was 130+ its 20-40 now...the 'var' thing in csgo jumps from 1 or 2 all the way up to 80-90)..i updated my nvidia drivers and its still the same...sometimes application open up far after ive clicked on them

defragmented the partitions which with windows and game folders..no use
opened up task manager (while the pc is idle and disk usage is around 0-4% . memory at 25-35 and cpu below 10 (2-3 mostly)

so any help as to what's causing this lag will be appreciated

i5 4440
gtx 750 msi 2gb
8gb ddr3
seagate 5400rpm 500gb hdd

checked temps while idle - 40 deg both cpu and gpu while outside temp is also 38-9..room isnt air conditioned so i guess temps are normal too 🙁

help me out guys

[two posts merged by moderator]

any free antivirus that might do the same ?

also how do i check if the gpu is dead/defective/etc ?
For antivirus you can give avast! Free Antivirus a shot.

For the GPU part if your monitor is connected to the GPU and you're getting display then your GPU is fine. To check the GPU download something like MSI afterburner and then check the essentials.

Also did you get any artifacts in games? GPUs usually start throwing artifacts in games when they start to die.

no artifacts..played far cry primal and fps/temps were normal..35-45 fps on 900p high as usual .. msi afterburner shows 40 degrees on the gpu while idle and 20 deg more while gaming so... :/

windows 7 install kori ? currently have 10 installed but boddo jhamela korche

is 7 better than 10 for basic functionality and speed-wise ?
I'd run a benchmark here as a start, to see if everything is operating as they should speed-wise: http://www.userbenchmark.com/?redirFrom=userbenchmark.com&

At first sight this looks like a RAM or hard drive issue to me.

cant get the program to run..ive downloaded it but whenever i try running it says installer integrity check failed


so i ran windows memory diagnostic and it returned no errors
and i downloaded a software and ran a command in cmd to verify hard drive errors but both results showed no errors

what do i do now ? 🙁
so guys

got my hands on a windows 7 ultimate
re-installed windows and everything is peachy now

its all smooth as hell
and my fps in csgo actually jumped by 50-60 frames compared to what i was getting while on win 10
