Question Pc lagging toooooooo much | Programs take a eternity too load


May 18, 2019
Hey bros I have a pc with these specss
core i5 2400
8 gigs of ram ddr3
gtx 960 2gb
350 watt 80+ psu
320 gb hardrive ( 7.2k rpm) and 160 gb ( 7.2k rpm)
windows 7

SO my pc was working fine but 2 to 3 days ago it was taking time to load every thing i thought antivirus will fix this but it didnt from that day i have tried malware bytes , windows defender , cc cleaner , defragment , windows memory diagnostic but nothing helped it take too much to load programs and dont ask when your are downlaoding something ( from idm ) and extracting my pc hang more and the fun fact is that the cpu usage , memory usage is fine and it donot lag in games dont know what the *** is going on plzz if someone can help me out of this bczz i dont wanna download a new win bczzz i have a lot of data so plzzzzzzzzz <3 <3
I agree with the above.

First I would make sure your drives arent full. A full drive can make windows slow or even unusable.

Second, i would make aure idle resource usage is normal. Less than 40% cpu, less than 4gb ram used, and make sure disk isnt at 100%.

Third, i would download and run hdd sentinel. This free program will run a S.M.A.R.T scan and alert you if there are any issues with any of your hard drives.
i ran the reults both the hardisks have 100%health and same performance but dont know what when i go to disk performace it shows all the hardisk speed and read and write speed but when i click to second hardisk 160 gb one it shows everything zero 🙁 WTfrick is that