PC loud noise, won't tun on again.


Oct 23, 2014
Hi. Yesterday my PC while in full gaming capacity (The Witcher 3) turned off with very loud noise and it won't start again. While turning off i felt electricity touched me through my headset.

I think that the PSU Fried, more exactly the VRM for good since it smelled like burnt plastic.

The PCI Express LEDs from the GPU turn on (red if the cables are out, green otherwise) if the cables are pluged in.

Question. If PSU Fried and * up the voltage, is the CPU fine, If not do I still have warranty?

Specs :

AMD FX 6300 clocked to 4.2, Voltage pumped up a lil. CM Hyper 212 cooler

Asus R9 270X (was OC-ed during gaming, not full capacity)

Gigabyte 970-DS3P

2 sticks of 4GBs

Maxcube Nira 500W (has 6 or more years)

Impossible to predict.
It's probably only the PSU, but you can't know until you get a working one in there.
I tried another PSU from a friend but it wouldn't start, but I found out later that the power button wasn't connected to the mobo.

Let's say that even If the cable was plugged in and it wouldn't start. Then what? What's burnt and what's not then.

Impossible to predict.
It's probably only the PSU, but you can't know until you get a working one in there.
All are fine except the PSU.

Motherboard had protections aparantly that saved my ass. Thank our lord and saviour The Mighty Ultra Durable Gigabyte.

Thanks for all your help guys.