PC making grinding noise


Dec 16, 2014
My newly purchased PC have recently started making grinding noises now and again, it's not a constant thing but it still worries me a lot when i hear it. I've checked and no cables are hitting any fan or something like that.

Grinding noises. Either a fan or a hard drive.

A rolled up piece of paper held to your ear may help localize what it is.

Then it should be my hard drive right? I have 2 case fans and a CPU fan and they all look fine, nothing is blocking them. So what should i do if it is my hard drive? I also have a SSD, could it be that one?

Looking fine is not the same as being fine.
Could be a fan bearing going bad.

And no, it's not the SSD. That has no moving parts.

You need to determine the actual part making the noise.

I just opened up my case and it looks like the CPU fan is the noise maker. Its just weird because the PC is only a month old..