PC monitor often turns off and on

Check both ends of your power and video cables to the monitor.

Next time you lose the picture, see if you can still activate the on-screen menu via the buttons on the monitor itself. If you get a display, then perhaps the issues is with the video cable connection, or video card.

If on the other hand you have complete loss of power (meaning, it's not in standby mode), then you could have a failing monitor. I've seen plenty of older monitors with internal PSU problems as the result of component failure such as leaking capacitors. The brave and well equipped might attempt to re-cap and salvage it. But honestly, if it's like 6+ years old, it might make more sense to just get another one. But before you do, at least try and isolate the...
Whats the make and model# of the monitor?

What do you mean by it keeps on and off? Does the power keeping turning off and back on (noticeable by the monitors power light turning off and on too) or is it the image that keeps going out on you? (try pressing the menu button and see if it comes on when the monitor is 'off')
Check both ends of your power and video cables to the monitor.

Next time you lose the picture, see if you can still activate the on-screen menu via the buttons on the monitor itself. If you get a display, then perhaps the issues is with the video cable connection, or video card.

If on the other hand you have complete loss of power (meaning, it's not in standby mode), then you could have a failing monitor. I've seen plenty of older monitors with internal PSU problems as the result of component failure such as leaking capacitors. The brave and well equipped might attempt to re-cap and salvage it. But honestly, if it's like 6+ years old, it might make more sense to just get another one. But before you do, at least try and isolate the nature of the failure, and the scope of when and under what conditions this phenomenon occurs; if at all possible.