PC no signal to display/ won't go to bios


Mar 19, 2016
So my PC has been working perfectly for about a year and a half. The only problem I've ran into was my GPU dying, easy fix. Anyway a couple days ago I shut down my PC (I opened the window, it was cold all night in my room. Not sure if this is a contributing factor). I wake up the next morning to turn on my computer and nothing happened. Heat wise there shouldn't be any issues sinceas far as I know everything stays below 60 C.

The computer's fans, HDD, CPU fan all turn on, for the most part verything sounds normal, but nothing displays on my monitor. Neither of my PCI-E slots work with 3 different GPUs. Computer won't boot using my integrated graphics. Before I took my PC apart to test out the components I could hear one faint beep which is normal everytime my computer successfully boots up. There were also two consecutive short beeps that were really faint. Anyway a couple days later I decided to start testing components.

I reseated my cpu, swapped out multiple GPUs as stated earlier, I swapped out my PSU with nothing different. I took out the battery in my motherboard, nothing changed afterwards. When I Bread Boarded my computer I got no beeps at all as far as I could tell.

For the most part I'm 90% sure it's my motherboard that's dead but I wanted to post here since I planned on RMAing my motherboard and buying a replacement for the time being and probably selling it later on. I wanted to be sure my motherboard is dead, anything else I should test, I don't have a multimeter. Thank you in advance.

Computer Specs:
CPU: i7-4790k
MoBo: MSI ATX DDR3 2400 LGA 1150 Motherboards Z97 PC MATE
GPU: Sapphire R9 Fury X
PSU: Corsair CX750M
I fixed your wall of text. :)

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Do you recall if your system had an AMI or Award bios?

Have you tried using a single stick of RAM or swapping it out for an entirely different module? Two beep codes could be a memory parity error, meaning there is basically a bad stick of memory, or it could be a bios error that's probably due to a faulty motherboard. Knowing the Z97 PC mate to be the cheap board that it is, with an extremely high failure rate (Especially when using higher voltages or high speed memory), I would not be surprised at all to find the motherboard had failed, but I'd certainly want to...
I fixed your wall of text. :)

In the future, it's helpful for us, and for you, if you want a response, to break your post up into paragraphs for easier reading.

Do you recall if your system had an AMI or Award bios?

Have you tried using a single stick of RAM or swapping it out for an entirely different module? Two beep codes could be a memory parity error, meaning there is basically a bad stick of memory, or it could be a bios error that's probably due to a faulty motherboard. Knowing the Z97 PC mate to be the cheap board that it is, with an extremely high failure rate (Especially when using higher voltages or high speed memory), I would not be surprised at all to find the motherboard had failed, but I'd certainly want to eliminate the memory first.

When you "bread boarded" your motherboard, can we assume that you have a system speaker attached to the system speaker header in the cluster of pins where all the front panel connections are normally plugged in? If there is not a little nickel sized speaker attached by two wires to the motherboard, then there will never be an beep codes no matter what is wrong.

Well I see, look like I'll be switching motherboards. You have any suggestions for reliable motherboards under 150 at the max but preferabaly under 100. Anyway I'll test all 3 of my ram sticks in all 4 of my slots tmrw. I'll do the breadboard with speakers since I do not have a system speaker on my motherboard and I'll put what I get here.

Regarding the bios I'm not sure which one but this is a picture of the bios for my motherboard.
Yes, I do know it has the Click BIOS 4, but when you very first power up and it would show the POST screen, it should have shown the BIOS makers name at the top or bottom of the page. I realize you are not able to access the bios now, or are you? Is that a pic from your system or a googled pic?

Upon further research it seems you have an AMI bios. If you have no speaker attached I'm not sure how you could have heard any beep codes. You cannot use a regular speaker unless you custom fabricate the connector for the two pins it must connect to, which are here:


With the BIOS being AMI, if you DID have a system speaker attached at some point, then two beeps would have been a memory error.

1 beep - System boot successfull
*1beep - Refresh failure - (NO VIDEO) memory refresh failure (bad memory)
2 beeps - Parity error - bad memory
3 beeps - Base 64K memory failure - bad memory
4 beeps - Timer not operational - bad motherboard
5 beeps - Processor error - bad processor
6 beeps - 8042 gate A20 failure - bad cpu or mainboard
7 beeps - Processor exception interput error - bad processor
8 beeps - Display memory read/write failure - bad video card or memory
9 beeps - ROM checksum error - bad BIOS
10 beeps - CMOS shutdown register read/write error - bad motherboard
11 beeps - Cache memory bad - bad CPU or motherboard
12 beeps - BIOS rom file incorrect size - The BIOS ROM file found does not match the size of the flash device
13 beeps - BIOS rom image mismatch - The BIOS ROM file layout configuration does not match image present in the flash device
5 short + 1 long beeps - Memory error - No memory detected in the memory slots.
6 short + 1 long beeps - Memory error - EDO memory detected in system
7 short + 1 long beeps - SMBUS error

You can order one through Newegg or Amazon, like this:


Or you might be able to find one locally.

As for the motherboard, do you have a brand preference, or just want a good model within your price range?

Probably, I'd recommend something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: ASRock Z97 KILLER ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($116.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $116.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-20 12:32 EDT-0400

But if you can spend a bit more, the ASUS Z97-A/3.1 or Gigabyte Z97x-gaming 5 are much better choices.

For now I'm not able to get a motherboard speaker, I tested all 3 of my ram sticks in all 4 of my slots and I found that one of them is faulty. When I put one of my ram sticks in the computer turns on for around 2-3 seconds that powers down, and it repeats this forever. I also have 2 different brands of ram, I have patriot and corsair ram sticks, anyway one of the patriot ram sticks and the corsair vengeance stick power up the computer but nothing happens which is the same as before. If I have one of each brand of ram stick the computer repeatedly powers up than powers down, same as the possibly defective ram stick.

Despite this the computer still won't even make it to BIOS so would this issue still be with the motherboard or does it somehow have something to do with the ram sticks? As for what I am looking for, I just want reliability.
I think it's a safe but, not an assurance, but a safe bet, that there is either a problem with the motherboard or the power supply.

You said you tried a different power supply, but you might try a different power supply WITH the single stick of RAM that allows the system to power up but then shuts down. You might also want to try it with the display connected to the motherboard video output and the GPU card removed. It could be that the GPU card is causing the issue or that the power draw of the GPU card is causing a weak power supply to kick on it's protections and shut down after a few seconds.

As for the motherboard, are you overclocking or planning to overclock? Or, do you have plans for multiple graphics cards at some point down the road?


I'll try out the breadboard with my other power supply when later on. I did try take out my gpu though with the same result. I would consider overclocking but for the most part after a bricked gpu and some more current problems, I'll probably avoid doing so till I get a job. I do plan on getting mutliple graphics cards sometime in the future. Thanks for all the replies man, hopefully I can get the motherboard speaker today.

Update: I bought a motherboard speaker, it's plugged into the JFP2 port and I'm 99% sure its plugged in correctly. I started up my computer with one of the working ram sticks in and there are no beeps on start up. Is it safe to say that my motherboard is dead?