PC not booting, not displaying


Jul 9, 2014
Today, I was doing something on my PC, and it suddenly shut down. The next few times I turned on the PC, nothing displayed on the monitor. The fans and hard drives were on, but nothing else was happening.

  • I used another monitor with no success.
    I removing the CMOS, waiting, and then inserting it back it into the motherboard, with no success.
    I unplugged almost everything connected to the PC, with no success.

PC specs: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/PoniesFiM/saved/vDVbt6

Is there anything I can do to resolve the issue?

I did, but it didn't boot/display anything.
I also noticed that after pressing the power button, everything starts, and turns off for a few seconds. After that, everything powers up again. Is this normal?

I did a lot of things in the checklist(at least what I can).
I put in each stick, each in every RAM slot possible.
Though, I probably should get some anti-static wrist straps or a system speaker.
In your original post, you said:
"Today, I was doing something on my PC, and it suddenly shut down..."

Q: What exactly were you doing 'on the PC'? Were you installing additional hardware, or software, tidying up/moving things around inside the chassis? If installing, can you reverse the procedure, i.e. remove/uninstall whatever it was.

Since you have tried with almost everything unplugged from the PC, and have had no success, best suggestion then is to send the unit back to the seller and let them solve it - probably by replacing parts to find the culprit.