PC not booting when moved/reconnected, please help.


Mar 1, 2013
Hey guys... First of I want to say that I'm sorry if I got the wrong category, I am not quite sure what is the problem. My motherboard is an Intel DZ68ZV, in case you need it for the errors.

Got a problem with my PC. I've been moving stuff around my room, including my PC. When I connected back the wires to it and tried to turn it on it failed. Got to error 21, without my screen starting at all. After a bit of googling error codes I've fixed it by reslotting my RAM cards. Then there was another error: EB with constant beeps until I shut it off. No matter what I try I can't get it to boot (screen does turn on to the intel starting screen, but I can't interact with the BIOS at all).

The only problem I've ever had with my PC was my BIOS being outdated for my CPU (i5 3350p I believe). I had to update it so I'm quite worried about fumbling around with the bios in fear of losing the update. I don't have another CPU around to update it later on.

Sorry for so much text, I just tried to be detailed. Hope someone can help. Thanks for reading, if you need any other details I will reply in a short manner.
Solved it... I still don't know why and how but the PC works now. All I did after 2 hours of troubleshooting was wiggle the motherboard battery a bit... cause I felt like it. After that the PC booted successfully when I pressed the power button.

If someone knows why this resolved the issue please share, I would love to know. For now I will just chalk it up to black magic.
Solved it... I still don't know why and how but the PC works now. All I did after 2 hours of troubleshooting was wiggle the motherboard battery a bit... cause I felt like it. After that the PC booted successfully when I pressed the power button.

If someone knows why this resolved the issue please share, I would love to know. For now I will just chalk it up to black magic.