Pc not posting with ryzen 5 2600x

May 28, 2018
For some reason my p newly built pc doesn't post with my 2600x I've updated my asus b350f mobo's bios with the boot kit amd sent me and it still doesn't work. I also cleared CMOS, but yet again doesn't work. So I took another precaution to maybe my cpu was DOA and exchanged it for a new one but no dice. If anyone knows what's going on please reply to this thread any help is appreciated

Pc list:https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RZ7y4q
on the bios flash was the mb in the case or out?? if it was out and now it in the case there may be a dead short or the wrong standoffs uses or screws. also check to see if the cooler on to tight and is shorting the cpu out. the last is check for bent pins under the cpu.

The bios was flashed inside the case and the cooler isn't on that tight. No bent pins under the cpu

The pc still boots with the boot kit, I would think that if it was a dead short it wouldn't boot up the bootkit while in the case.