PC Not starting/ Keyboard failing

Mar 29, 2018
Backstory: I was using my laptop a few days ago, when it suddenly shut itself down. I tried starting it back up. During boot, it said something like “scanning pc and repairing” (or something similar; I can’t remember it all too well at this point). But when it got to the login screen, the display kept going black (like it would during a time of inactivity), and coming back up erratically. It was weird, so I shut it down and tried restarting.

Nothing changed. It even got worse. To the point where the computer shit itself down again and kept restarting. So, after a while I decided to do a hard shutdown. I just kept my finger on the “on” button while the pc was still in the boot screen (which, in retrospect, was a bad idea), and waited for like 10 seconds until the computer shut itself down.

But alas, the machine refused to start back up when I pressed the on button again after that. The first time, it came on for like 15 seconds, before hard shutting itself back off. On every attempt after that, the monitor just didn't start when you pressed the “on” button.

Weird, because the charging light still showed when it was plugged in. So I knew the thing wasn’t completely dead.

SO, I begun to find a way to solve the problem myself. Long story short: I opened up the pc case (I think that’s what it’s called?), I checked out any wires and switches down there to see whether anything was loose. Nothing was.

Sometime during my inspection, I unplugged the wire which connected the keyboard to the motherboard, and the screen came on. Everything worked fine (with all doccuments intact thankfully), including the mouse as long as the keyboard was disconnected. Once you tried connecting it back, the pc would do a hard shutdown again.

I tried checking if the on button might be jammed down somehow, but I don’t think it is since it doesn’t feel jammed in any way. Although I can’t be sure seeing as the manufacturers of this computer decided to seal the back of the keyboard behind some metal casing which I do not want to open up in fear of breaking anything.

Anyone know what could be the cause of this problem? Any help would be much appreciated.

PC Specs:
Windows 10
Manufacturer: ASUS
Model: GL552JX
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @2.60GHz
System type: 64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

No I have not. I don't see anything wrong with the keyboard (with the little i can tell). All contacts seem to be set aright. It's strange and I'm really puzzled as to what is going on.

P.S: Sorry for the late reply.