PC not using R7 260x as dedicated GPU


Jan 7, 2015
Newly Built Desktop will not use Radeon R7 260x GPU as dedicated graphics card. Motherboard is Msi 970a-g43. OS windows 7 64bit.

My brother just built this and everything was running smoothly until he couldn't play any games because the computer is using the mobo's onboard graphics I guess.

We are both fairly new to the computer building world, as this is the first one and have no idea how to fix this issue.

The monitor is connected to the R7260x GPU.

Things we tried:
Going into Bios in hopes to disable onboard graphics or switch to R7, cannot find PCI-e option anywhere.

Tried right clicking on empty screen in windows 7 and found AMD catalyst control center, no option visible to change GPU.

I have search as many answers on this website to see if I could find a solution but I thought it better just to ask myself. Thanks in advance~

Edit: So someone told me that the msi motherboard does not have onboard video, so the R7 is working, and that a BIOs update may fix it. I'm going to try that and come back here for another update.
If I had to guess I would say it's either a corrupt GPU driver installation or a corrupt / missing directx installation

There are tools avaliable to clean old GPU drivers off the system, and microsoft have a directx analysis tool I think.

Ah okay, I do see two of them. I'll have my brother check it out when he comes home, thank you.

And, sorry, but what do you mean by config? Like the processor? because I see AMD FX 6300 six core processor, DirectX 11, window 7 64bit. (Sorry for not being very informative, been slowly learning about this)

I'm not sure but maybe we do. I mean, the monitor is connected to the R7 GPU and not the monitor, so it should be on right?

Also when trying to open a game a message like this comes up; "The installed graphics system does not have the correct function in order in run the game" or something like that. Other games we try to open like steam games will just crash.

My brother said he installed them last night.

"ERROR: 10010. Unable to initialize graphics device. A graphics card with at least a Shader Model 3.0 is required to run this game."

Another game had a similar message but I cannot access the crash log file.
If I had to guess I would say it's either a corrupt GPU driver installation or a corrupt / missing directx installation

There are tools avaliable to clean old GPU drivers off the system, and microsoft have a directx analysis tool I think.

Alright, I'll do that before the BIOs update and see how that goes. Thank you for your help.

Update: it worked! He had them installed but did not update them to latest drivers. Thanks for your help!