Hello everyone,
So i have quite the story...
To start off, I'll start by giving you the specs for my config as well as my friend's config:
Mobo: Asus Strix z270f
gpu: rtx 2080
ram: corsair vengeance 2x8gb xmp
cpu: i7 7700k
psu: (dont know exactly) corsair 750w 80gold+
drives : 2 sata ssd, 1 m.2 and 1 hdd
aio: h100i v2 corsair
-My friend's:
mobo : asus strix z270e
gpu: gtx 1080
ram : rgb trident 4x8gb
cpu : i7 7700k
psu: corsair 750w platinum 80+
drives: 1 m.2 1 sata ssd 1 hdd
aio: kraken nzxt
Now, about a week ago, we both had our rigs perfectly functional and we decided to send our cpu to a guy to delid them
Today I receive both cpus, install mine and my computer doesn't boot, at least it seems like it doesn't
what happens is that the computer starts for about 5 seconds, then completely shuts off.
we discovered that the pc actually boots, we can see the "new cpu detected press f1 to run setup" thing show up but as soon as it appears, the computer shuts down.
I rebuilt the entire pc trying every parts that i can separately to try to rule out any non functional parts. none of my components were the issue
i install my friend's cpu on my rig, and exact same issue.
once my friend came back we tried his cpu on his rig. same issue. then my cpu on his rig. same issue.
so we thought the guy messed up our cpus right?
trust me i've spent the whole day trying to troubleshoot this and i have tried everything so i know all my pc parts are not issue and so are my friend's.
at the end of the day we met a guy who had a rig way different than ours (because ours were kinda similar) but who had an i7 7700k too, so we took my rig to the guy's place as well as both our cpus.
guess what
the guy's cpu (i7 7700k) works on my rig, and my cpu works on his rig. and same goes for my friend's cpu.
So to sum it up, we delided 2 i7 7700k, they dont work in either our rigs. in a different rig than ours they work. but any other i7 7700k that is not ours, works in our rigs.
how is that even possible?
We also tried swaping pc parts with my friend but nothing changed.
the only thing we couldn't test was a different mobo on our build
so i am guessing that the problem would be our mobo, but how is that also even possible as the other guy's cpu worked on our rig? and how would both my friend's and my mobo have died at the same time, and have the same exact issue.
this is so confusing
literally if you know where this issue is coming from you are a god
i have not seen anyone talk about anything similar on the internet.
So i have quite the story...
To start off, I'll start by giving you the specs for my config as well as my friend's config:
Mobo: Asus Strix z270f
gpu: rtx 2080
ram: corsair vengeance 2x8gb xmp
cpu: i7 7700k
psu: (dont know exactly) corsair 750w 80gold+
drives : 2 sata ssd, 1 m.2 and 1 hdd
aio: h100i v2 corsair
-My friend's:
mobo : asus strix z270e
gpu: gtx 1080
ram : rgb trident 4x8gb
cpu : i7 7700k
psu: corsair 750w platinum 80+
drives: 1 m.2 1 sata ssd 1 hdd
aio: kraken nzxt
Now, about a week ago, we both had our rigs perfectly functional and we decided to send our cpu to a guy to delid them
Today I receive both cpus, install mine and my computer doesn't boot, at least it seems like it doesn't
what happens is that the computer starts for about 5 seconds, then completely shuts off.
we discovered that the pc actually boots, we can see the "new cpu detected press f1 to run setup" thing show up but as soon as it appears, the computer shuts down.
I rebuilt the entire pc trying every parts that i can separately to try to rule out any non functional parts. none of my components were the issue
i install my friend's cpu on my rig, and exact same issue.
once my friend came back we tried his cpu on his rig. same issue. then my cpu on his rig. same issue.
so we thought the guy messed up our cpus right?
trust me i've spent the whole day trying to troubleshoot this and i have tried everything so i know all my pc parts are not issue and so are my friend's.
at the end of the day we met a guy who had a rig way different than ours (because ours were kinda similar) but who had an i7 7700k too, so we took my rig to the guy's place as well as both our cpus.
guess what
the guy's cpu (i7 7700k) works on my rig, and my cpu works on his rig. and same goes for my friend's cpu.
So to sum it up, we delided 2 i7 7700k, they dont work in either our rigs. in a different rig than ours they work. but any other i7 7700k that is not ours, works in our rigs.
how is that even possible?
We also tried swaping pc parts with my friend but nothing changed.
the only thing we couldn't test was a different mobo on our build
so i am guessing that the problem would be our mobo, but how is that also even possible as the other guy's cpu worked on our rig? and how would both my friend's and my mobo have died at the same time, and have the same exact issue.
this is so confusing
literally if you know where this issue is coming from you are a god
i have not seen anyone talk about anything similar on the internet.