Question PC Performance dropped after shipping?


Dec 29, 2019

I have moved to a new place and I have packed and shipped my PC to my new place, about 3 hours away from my old place.

My PC before the shipment was fine. I use the same programs, doing the same task without any issues.

However, once I started using my PC after the shipment in my new place, it seems that the memory performance dropped.

I open the same programs, I do the same stuff but now I am getting "FPS drops" or short freezes once I use all the programs again combined at the same time.

Just to make sure it is clear: I use the same 9-10 programs at the same time before the shipment and I had no issues.

When opening the task manager, the ram usage is about 80% once all programs are open, sometimes even 90%. As soon as I close some programs, it drops to 60% and then it is fine again.

Obviously, performance dropped as I suddenly cannot use all the programs at the same time anymore and I have to close some.

I am not sure what suddenly now causes the performance drop and why did it happen after the shipment? I do not want to say that it is only the shipments fault but perhaps it could be something else as well?

Also to note: I close ALL of my programs and I just start one game that I like to play. The game takes 50% RAM and about 60% GPU and yet I get FPS drops and short freezes as if I use the 9 programs combined when I work.

Before the shipement, I could run the game just fine.

Could anyone suggest me a solution and what could cause all this? I am aware that upgrading from 8gb Ram to 16gb will be the solution, but it is not necessary if it was fine before?

Thank you all!