Question PC performing below expectations (25th centile)

Sep 29, 2023
My PC has always had problems, with memory issues before and bluescreening and I've never properly located the source of the problem. One of my friends with the exact same CPU, GPU and Motherboard as me (although bought the PC a year later) has been getting a lot higher FPS in most games, and I cannot locate the source of the problem.
My benchmark is here :
Can someone help me?
Thank you for the help, however I did the test again, and i am still in the 28th centile after enabling XMP.
Here are the results:
You have to remember, as a 'benchmark test,' userbenchmark is a joke, dont worry about it too much, primarily it should be used as a basic diagnostic tool. Many of the people on their have massively overclocked their systems. What is the age/make/model of your PSU?
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Sep 29, 2023
You have to remember, as a 'benchmark test,' userbenchmark is a joke, dont worry about it too much, primarily it should be used as a basic diagnostic tool. Many of the people on their have massively overclocked their systems. What is the age/make/model of your PSU?
I believe its a corsair RM750X, and it is around 1 year old.
Sep 29, 2023
UBM blows .
But to give you an Idea here is my results. with a few things running.
NOTE this is a highly tweeked system. Not overclocked
If my processor actually overclocked , Then we would be in another ballpark.
Going to start up in task manager and disabling everything that is not necessary helps.
Also check background apps and turn off almost everything .
But tweeking bios etc... takes knowledge and experience so be very careful there.
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Sep 29, 2023
I disabled some startup things and I got a higher benchmark.
Here it is:
Should I be worried about it saying my GPU is performing below potential?
As well as this, it says that one of my SSDs is performing way below average and I am not sure what to do about that, plus it now says something about make sure my dual+ XMP profile is turned on (I already turned it on earlier.)


Win 11 Master
think it says that about most GPU, its just there to push that video it links to

I can't run it as my AV thinks its scanner is a virus lol.

are you still get bsod?

Can you follow option one on the following link - here - and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD - that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD

  1. Open Windows File Explore
  2. Navigate to C:\Windows\Minidump
  3. Copy the mini-dump files out onto your Desktop
  4. Do not use Winzip, use the built in facility in Windows
  5. Select those files on your Desktop, right click them and choose 'Send to' - Compressed (zipped) folder
  6. Upload the zip file to the Cloud (OneDrive, DropBox . . . etc.)
  7. Then post a link here to the zip file, so we can take a look for you . . .
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I disabled some startup things and I got a higher benchmark.
Here it is:
Should I be worried about it saying my GPU is performing below potential?
As well as this, it says that one of my SSDs is performing way below average and I am not sure what to do about that, plus it now says something about make sure my dual+ XMP profile is turned on (I already turned it on earlier.)
You might want to update the gpu driver you seem a little behind.

Run ubm like this.
Wait a few mins.
Run ubm with the browser closed.
Post a link to the results.


Win 11 Master
there is a new bios. the one you are on is dated 9th June, there is a newer one dated 1oth July

there is something odd with how it is reporting the nvme and memory. it thinking an nvme would need to be attached via sata is a new one.

updating bios could fix the memory thing.

try updating chipset drivers -

try running this on both of your nvme -

My PC has always had problems, with memory issues before
what were these? Windows sees the page file (which is on c drive) as memory.