Pc performing slower than it probably should.

Mike Kif

Jun 11, 2015
I recently bought a new budget rig which i've been saving up for a LONG time. I was happy because i thought i could finally play some newer games with my frineds, but im sort of getting a weird feeling that its performing worse than it should.
My PC specs are:
Processor: AMD FX-4300 4-Core 3.8GHz
Graphics: AMD R7 250 V2 MSI OC 2GD3 Edition
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2
HDD: SATA III Toshiba 500GB
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
I have a problem with every even slightly newer game, like for example: Skyrim, Far Cry 3, Just Cause 2. I don't understand...i'm pretty sure i should be getting more than 20-25 frames in skyrim on medium...Maybe there's something wrong with the components, maybe they should perform like that, i'm not sure, and that's why i'm here.
I you could spare a bit of your time to help a fellow out, i would be grateful.
Use HWMonitor to see your CPU and GPU utilizations during gameplay. You're correct in that you shouldn't be having issues running those games.

Also try going into Control Panel > Power Options > High Performance profile and see if that helps.

Also what PSU do you have? Specific model please, you may have bought a cheap dud. The PSU is basically the most important part of your computer.
I just did the HWMonitor test and ran one of the games in which i have the most issues with framerate, and that would be the before mentioned, Skyrim. I played it on max settings to stress test the pc a bit (just because i don't believe in synthetic tests), and throughout the entire session the sowtware kept displaying memory clock speed as 0 Hz, so i was thinking that maybe i connected something wrong. I double checked and everything and it all seems to be in place. Maybe the software is faulty, i'm not sure. I tried playing Far Cry 3, in which i don't have many issues. the framerate is steady, constant and balanced but low, now i'm talking about 35-40 on the lowest possible settings settings(at that point, it just looks awful), 30-35 with v-sync on(i would usually keep v-sync off at all times but i experience a LOT of tearing), and around 25 with the shadows on(to make at look at least mildly appealing): Whats weird is that I don't have a problems with AA, as in i can go from off to x8 with almost no performance impact.. Could the PSU be causing all of these issues? I surely hope not, because i'm absolutely broke.
I have a NJOY 56000C 560W PSU. Now that you mention it, that's probably the reason im having these issues, because this supply was about 14$, so pretty cheap. I knew the power of the supply mattered and 500w seemed like enough, but i never knew the model mattered.