pc power light off, case & cpu fan running,no display


Apr 9, 2016
core i5 6500
Kingston 8 GB DDR4 2100
ASUS B-150M mobo
2TB Seagate HDD
ASUS GTX 960 (2GB)
Corsair vs650 (650Watt)
Windows 10 (64 bit)

I was playing LOL, in the middle of a game I got a bug splat error and then some sound(Kichhhhh..I am not sure whether it is from cpu or monitor) and my pc hang.

Then I plug off and restarted, case fans, cpu fan & motherboard lights are all working but the power button light is going on and off and there is no display. When power light is off cpu & case fans are still running.

I plug the VGA cable on my mobo slot but still same result.Then I switched it off and restarted after half an hour with VGA on GPU, everything started fine but when I started starcraft 2, in the middle of a game same thing happened as happened during LOL. I started it several times but everytime no display, cpu& case fans running, mobo light and gpu lights on but power button light sometimes on then off then on and off.

I checked all the cables in the pc and ram and gpu everything is seated fine. Now today I started it, it boots to the desktop but after few seconds mouse and keyboard are not working but mouse light is on.

What is the problem here?