PC powers on, black screen displays, sometimes shuts off again.

Oct 11, 2018
PC powers on, black screen displays, sometimes shuts off again.

Hello! I'm having the issue discribed above. Prior to this current state I was having some issues with my monitors flickering and at times displaying a pinkish, somewhat lined screen.

So far I've checked all the cables and removed the ram and reinstalled them. I'll provide a PC Part Picker link to my current build.


Thank you!
Hello! I'm having the issue discribed above. Prior to this current state I was having some issues with my monitors flickering and at times displaying a pinkish, somewhat lined screen.
That related to GPU, monitor. First to try: remove the HD7950, try other GPU, if you don't have any gpu, then go to local PC shop ask for help. But before go to the PC shop, try other monitor first, make sure the monitor works.
Oct 11, 2018

Hello, I'm going to try and swap the GPU. I should have a replacement on Monday to try out. Right now I have two monitors set up (dvi, HDMI) and both have been tested and are working.

I'll update if the GPU swap works!
Oct 11, 2018

Okay. I understand what you mean about the gpu driver situation. I'm not sure how to remove the boot drive or what what will do?
Oct 11, 2018

Okay, I gave that a shot. No noticeable change.

I should mention as well, at this point the monitors no longer respond to the powering on in any way.

At this point I'm beginning to think this is a power supply issue?