PC Problem (?) Micro Stutters in Game Menus + Disk Usage High on all apps when idle on dekstop, GAMEPLAY normal


Apr 17, 2017
This is my problem. Whenever i enter any games like (CS:GO, PUBG, Factorio, World of Tanks) The main menu lags. Like lets say i turn up PUBG the fps is very low while launching up the lobby it goes from 20-30 FPS back to the normal 60 FPS and stays there and i can enter the actuall game and it dosent lagg ath all just normal 5-6 FPS drops here and there. And The other problem is whenever i press Stuff like Replays Options Leaderboards or anything in games like that my Main Menu/Lobby FPS goes from a stable 60 FPS to 5-10 FPS it feels like a skiped frame or just really bad lag its duration is like from 1-2 to 5-10 Seconds. Later research i found out that sometimes when i launch up a game GPU usage drops to 0% and CPU and Disk usage spikes up to 100% and goes back to normal after 2-3 Seconds. Once More Gameplay in all of these games seems to be normal. I had a problem with FPS lag spikes while playing actuall games aswell ath random times 5 minutes in or 2-3 hours into the game the FPS would go from a consistant 120 Fps to 20-30 for 5-10 seconds and would go back to normal. The thing i did to fix this was turned on Max pre rendered frames to 4 in Nvidia setttings. And i turned off Scheduled Optimatization in HDD settings that somebody suggested and it fixed the problem.

My PC was built a week ago. Fresh Windows 10 installed. Everything done by a Pro ath a local company. I asked a few questions about Air flow. Components not bottlenecking anything and he sayd everything is going to be fine. And The problem is now if i give it back for repairs/Diagnostics they gona charge it a lot + usually the just say buy this new bla bla .

EDIT: Random Spikes in CPU/GPU and Disk Usage: Whenever launching up games Disk Usage spikes up to 100% and goes back. Disk Usage High Aswell with random Windows programs/background apps. I Found out and monitored sometimes whenever i press something in a game menu lets say in PUBG CPU would do a wierd 100% spike and the GPU usage would go to 0%.

PC Specs : i5 8600k GTX 1060 16 GB DDR4 2400Mhz RAM 1 TB HDD WD blue [I know i should have a SSD aswell but no money atm] Aours z370 Ultra gaming Mobo 650 W PSU

Idle and Game Temperatures seem to be normal while playing the game.

Things i tryed allready and stuff that usually triggers events like these :

1.)Temperatures are normal for playing games.

2.) GPU,CPU, Disk Usage seem to be normal.

3.) Mobo. , GPU, Windows drivers are up to date

4.) Fresh Install didnt fix it.

5.) After Re-launching the game up again dosent fix it.

6.) Disk usage spikes up when launching up the game and goes back to normal.

7.) Checked HDD health everything was alright.

8.) Installing Old GPU Drivers the problem is still there.

9.) Backwards Installing old Windows 10 update problem is still there.

10.) Disabling Windows Antivirus defender problem is still happening in games

11.) Enabling V-Sync in games dosent fix it or Lowering the Settings to Low/medium.

12.) SuperFetch preFetch Disabled.

13.) Nothing Overclocked.

Searching the net for the last week since i bought the PC and cant find anything. Not in the position to go out and just buy other components. (Was saving up for this PC for 6 Months)

If anybody has any ideas what to do or sugestions what to try pls replay to the topic.

tl;dr --> PC was bulit a few days ago > Everything Freshly installed > Re-Installed all drivers a few times> Main Menus Lag in games FPS goes from 60 to 10-20 fps and when i press stuff like settings leaderboards Lobby duration of it is 5-10 seconds > Temperatures Fine for gaming. CPU GPU Disk Usage Wierd.

Updates 10.2.2018
Well I can install Windows 10 but only can activate it with KMspico
Well Kinda annoying bcs that will take a few hours + installing some games.
I guess i will do it when i have the time to do

That might be your problem using pirated windows 10.
We do not allow talking about piracy here.
Thread will be closed i think.
Well i dont really care i got windows with my Pre built PC, and not a Windows copy, so i literally have to go waste 100 more euros on Windows 10 home. Windows 10 Pro is 200-300 Euros are you crazy. On my previous 2 PCs these windows that i installed worked perfectly since the release of Win10 . And if you really think its bcs of pirated windows LMAO you have no idea. Nobody even tryed to replay to my topic in 2 weeks. Nobody even tryed to help or guide me to the right way. I would take a ban anyday i dont really care.
I said that fake windows 10 may be the problem, cause you can't update your windows.
You generally cannot update GPU drivers past 380 without windows update and some other programs, (Often call falls creator update or 16XX).
And you didn't update your BIOS on motherboard, you didn't try to use other HDD (Cheap as 20$) used for 500GB or 30$ for 1TB.Haven't tried to download latest chipset?

You just download bios, from 3 files delete Autoexec and exe file, and leaves you with the 3rd file F7H which is your bios, transfer it to FAT32 usb (need to format it like that) and then in bios EZ-Flash utility and select your USB and in usb should be that file, you flash it and its done.
Sorry you make no sense just proves how tomshardware is full of professional IT experts. I told you allready i got windows pre-installed with drivers that come with the mobo. And Most of them wich i updated. And i only told you that i dont have another way of installing Windows then with the media creation tool and activate it later with KMspico and try it like that. So these Windows i installed on my old PC worked for 2 years without any problems and i could updated Nvidia drivers and never had problems with them. specs: i5 3570k 980ti 8gb ram 1TB HDD. 500 GB second HDD and i never had any problems loading Windows like this and Games ran fine. The only problem i ran into was that my pc would randomly shut down ath any time after like 3-4 Hours of playing, so i didnt bother fixing that and i sold it and bought this one with some extra cash. Its the easyest way to say maybe buy a ssd maybe buy original windows. mybe buy another PC. Mybe buy a 100 Dollar premium member ship Antivirus. Mybe buy Windows 10 64 bit pro wich is 200 euros. Mybe buy Win 7 and try with it . Mybe Buy a Chinese slave so he fixes your problem. Great Support :) ill fix the problem eventually myself.
The main problem is some things you don't try, you don't have extra hardware, you don't test it out, i suggested you to update bios, but you went blabla bla i don't know it, it wont.

Oh there is linustechtips, there is reddit, if you don't like it here then why in first place you asked?
And you got mad because i asked 2 or 3 times (the same question in previous post and here).
Oh and BTW, you can use windows 10 for free as long as you want with some features disabled.

I've built 4 PC's from scratch, used hardware , corrupted bios, messed with bios, who does not risk it does not profit.

If that pc didn't had problem, why didn't you in first place return the pc to the seller if it had problems, that is your problem.
Download windows 10 1.4 version and then try to download latest, it wont install.

Seems like "Ill do nothing and they're gonna solve it in some answers".

Im sorry i know you tryed to help. First of all where should i get extra hardware from. Im a student with literally no money barelly bought this pc aswell. Sometimes i just want to sit down and play for 1-2 hours a day . I just dont have time to sit down for 4 hours re-install windows, drivers ect. This ruined my pc expirience totally, Latelly have no time ath all to find a solution for this. Its really hard i tought this would go a bit smoother. I cant really afford Windows. or extra hardware to try anything atm. So the best thing i can do is quit atm totally from gaming and just browse the net sometimes.
I have given up.