Hello so I was trying to add another fan to my pc case, The fan i was gonna add already had the wires to it cut, so i had to cut and twist the wires back together and wrap it with electral tape in order for it to work. As soon as i plugged in the cord for the fan i smelled electral fire. I unplugged it and saw that the electral tape was burnt, so i unraveled it and tried to twist the wires again , and retape it. As soon as i was done with that i pluged the fan corrd back in and boom, my pc restarted. Right when i pluged it in. Im not sure what happened , and this just happened 5 mins ago and everything seems to be fine , windows just said " pc didnt shut down correctly, start normally or go into safe mode," so i went normal mode. Should i be worried or anything? and what happened?