PC randomly restarting/freezing


Jun 19, 2014
My pc is restarting randomly when i am gaming or just freezing at which point i can only restart the pc and the same thing soon repeats again.Any solutions?
My PC AMD fx 8320
Radeon HD 7970,
Corsair cx 600,
8 Gb ram
a new HDD.
Win 10 Pro

Tried to check disk , it asked me if i wanted to try to check disk after next restart , pressed yes and restart. Now PC is stuck on Win 10 logo screen. (No percentages, just win logo)
I tested my hd 7970 in another PC and it worked fine.
Put gtx 650 TI in this PC it didnt freeze or restart, but after about 20 minutes of playing the game just closed twice. Same thing happened with another game.
I am currently undergoing similar issues, only when gaming. As soon as the GPU is stressed/used in any way my computer will die and when looking in The Windows Event Viewer, I find the error Kernel-power 41. This is caused by a power issue. However, in my scenario I have tested other power supplies and the problem persists, leading me to believe the room has faulty outlets.

check your windows event viewer for the most recent critical error. This will give you more information about what is causing your crash.
Thank you! But i managed to resolve the problem. The problem was in one of the ram sticks, took one out and it works fine now. Once i also had issue with my another PC, that after a power cut PC was just going to restart under gaming. Took the video card out, put it back in again and it worked then.
Okay, now i realised that the problem was still not in RAM. PC still freezed for me.At first i thought it was one of the ram sticks. Took one out and the PC ran without problems for a few days. But now suddenly again when gaming, a random freeze. Any solutions? Im thinking about updating BIOS.