PC randomly restarting


Aug 2, 2013
Jut in the last couple of days my computer has randomly been cutting out and restarting for no visible reason. Specs are i5 3470, 8GB Kingston HyperX Genesis 1600 MHz 1.65v, Corsair RM550 PSU, GTX 770 MSI OC (removed during testing). So far I've ran a virus check, checked temperatures, removed over clocks but to no avail. So I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do to try and fix this problem (bearing in mind I can't really do much virtually as it is restarting so often).

Well thats your call...
Could be a faulty power supply, or a bad stick of ram. Try lowering your clocks below default on your GPU to see if the issue stops. Also run memtest on your ram. Each stick individually just to see if one of the sticks is bad. If lowering your clocks even further solves the problem, it may be time to get a new PSU. Hope this helps.

Attempted memtest but my ODD wasn't working correctly so could not burn the program to a disc. My PSU is literally less than a month old so that could be what's wrong with it, even though its meant to be good quality. I can't even get my PC to boot at all now (I press the power button and nothing happens)
Sounds like your PSU bit the dirt. If your PSU won't turn on, it's either motherboard or PSU - I'm leaning towards faulty PSU but it's hard to tell when you don't get ANYTHING out of it.

Do you have an old PSU to test? Don't hook a bad/old PSU up to it, but if you have an older one that you think is still good, install it but DO NOT hook up the GPU. You should be able to test the motherboard with integrated graphics... If the system seems OK, it's probably the PSU.

My last PSU went back due to a dodgy fan and the one I had before that was so terrible I binned it so sadly no way I can test. I'm going to take it to a computer repair shop in a bit as I've basically exhausted all options available to me.

Well thats your call, I can understand the frustration. I give it about a 75% chance it's the PSU. Corsair has a good warranty policy, you could start there as an option.

It's a shame to pay a repair shop the cost of a new PSU to tell you your PSU is bad, especially if you can just RMA it.