PC randomly restarting


Jul 16, 2012
edit: revised everything

a few weeks ago i upgraded my entire build (even went from windows 7 to 10) except the psu. the mobo apparently died a few days in and i have since rma'd the board. so now i've been using my old cpu/mobo/ram for a week now but i'm getting another problem. my pc randomly restarts and it has happened three times so far, two times while playing two not very demanding games (overwatch and an indie game called absolver), and another after 30 minutes of browsing chrome (i had just booted the pc without doing anything else). no warning, no bsod, and no 'the system has unexpectedly restarted' message upon rebooting. temps are completely fine.

here are the error messages in event viewer:
Event ID 41: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

Event ID 20: A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Component: AMD Northbridge
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: 11
Processor APIC ID: 0

Event ID 1001: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124
(0x0000000000000000, 0xffffc80eb6e9f038, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\Minidump\121917-24546-01.dmp. Report Id: b5a067df-30ea-4912-af0a-14c39ee8f682.

DMP file in said minidump folder uploaded to onedrive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhU7fct8O0OSgQu49ykPg_yKVQLw

i posted this in another forum and they think it's a heat issue related to the cpu and that the pc seems to believe it's overclocked although it is most definitely not.

the good thing is my rma'd board will be coming in tomorrow where i will be able to replace the fx6300/board/ram with my ryzen build so i will have a fresh new install once again. since i'll be doing this, should i just swing by my local best buy and get a corsair cx550m (it is tier 3 according to the linustech's tier list while my current evga is tier 5)? so far i'm hearing that psus will fail on their own anyway so i shouldn't be worried but i'm also hearing the direct opposite where a failing psu can take down everything with it. so i'm really at a lost here, what should i do?

my build:
FX6300/GA-78LMT/DDR3 8gb 1600mhz (~3 years old, currently using)
Ryzen 5 1600/MSI Gaming Pro B350M/DDR4 16gb 3000mhz (new, not using atm)
MSI Gaming X RX 580 8gb (new, currently using)
Sapphire R9 270x 2gb (~3 years old, not using atm)
EVGA 500w 80+ white (~3 years old, currently using)
no overclocking done except the DDR4 ram but i'm not even using that atm
skip to next morning and i get a random restart after doing nothing but browsing chrome for 30 minutes. the good news is my new mobo should be coming in tomorrow and i can install my new build again. but should i buy a new psu just to be safe it doesn't blow up or something? was looking at the corsair cx550m grey unit which is tier 3 as opposed to my tier 5 one atm (going by the list on linustech)

all error messages in event viewer:

Event ID 41: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

Event ID 20: A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Component: AMD Northbridge
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: 11
Processor APIC ID: 0

Event ID 1001: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xffffc80eb6e9f038, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\Minidump\121917-24546-01.dmp. Report Id: b5a067df-30ea-4912-af0a-14c39ee8f682.

Event ID 6008: The previous system shutdown at 11:14:22 PM on ‎12/‎18/‎2017 was unexpected.

that lists the corsair cx650m grey unit. am i safe to assume the cx550m grey unit is just as reliable? i was thinking of picking that one up originally because that seemed to be the best one in stock at my local best buy