PC Randomly shutting down


Jan 28, 2018
Hi,so my PC randomly shuts down after half an hour being on,then tries to reboot itself but it succeeds after a few attempts.First few attempts are failed,it just boots and instantly shuts down.This whole process happens every day and every time I am on my pc.Before this happens my sound starts stuttering and get fps drops-from 50 fps to 4 fps then it shuts down.My specs:
PC Acer Aspire M3800
CPU: Intel 2 quad core 2,50 GHz
GPU:AMD Radeon HD 5670
RAM:8 gb ddr3
I contacted acer support,they said "expect an answer within 24 hours".It passed 4 days and no answers.Hoping this site can help me!
The fact that it restarts everyday after 1 hour is interesting.
Do you have any programs that run automatically? A pc will shutdown if it detects high temps in hardware. Go through your installed programs and remove everything you don't use. Cleaning up with CCleaner isn't a bad idea either.

Have you tried booting in safe mode to see if it shutsdown in safe mode?
Tried booting it in safe mode,and it shut down again.
I also have to mention that before I got this PC,it was my friend's,and I played it there and it didn't shut down at all.
What kind of power supply are you running? Your PSU may be over heating. Are you hear or seeing fan spin in your power supply?
It can also just be a defective PSU.

So your friend previously owned this: I'm guessing you transported this to your house/ another location...Attempt to reseat your graphics card and ensure all your power cables are secured. Many people don't fully clip their mobo power cord.

I can actually hear my fan spin.I will try to reseat all my components and I will notify you when I do it.
Is it possible for dust to shut down my PC?
Cause I think that there is a big amount of dust in my PC,so should I try dust cleaning it?

It never hurts to clean your system. Dust build up can actually kill components because of the heat it causes.
I dust cleaned,it still keeps shutting down 🙁
I will try replacing the whole PSU now.
Can you suggest what could be doing the sound problem?
It happens more often than the shutdown now.
So my fps goes from 50 to 40 to 30 and so on to 3 fps..And while that is happening my sound stutters more and more(my sound doesn't produce game sounds,it just produces the 'krrrrrr' and 'trrrrrr' sound now)and when that happens I just have to restart my PC and it stops doing that.