[SOLVED] PC randomly shutting off?

Jul 10, 2019
This has happened quite a few times in the last month or so where my computer would just shut off as if someone unplugged it.

Whenever I look up similar issues people always come to the conclusion overheating is the culprit but that just isn't the case here. It has never done this whilst playing a game and just shuts off when idling on the desktop or just during general browsing when the CPU/GPU are at 35-40 degrees.

The computer is a few years old and i'm thinking it's a powersupply issue. Any input is greatly appreciated as it is getting annoying now!

Specs below:
i3 6100
MSI h110m pro-vd
GTX 950
Corsair vs550 ATX PSU
Well, if you want to get rid of the random shut downs then yes, getting new good quality PSU will fix that. Though, depending on how much money you have, i'd also go with new CPU-MoBo-RAM combo and probably GPU upgrade as well if you use your PC mainly for gaming. For web browsing, e-mails, movie watching etc, the current specs will do though.
Random reboots or shutdowns are mostly caused by 2 issues:
  1. CPU/GPU overheats and to prevent any damage, system shuts down.
  2. PSU fails to deliver enough power to the GPU or fails to keep smooth enough voltage for PC's operation.
Since your temps are within reason, it's the PSU who is acting up.

Also, do note that Corsair VS is the worst PSU offered by Corsair and it's low build quality PSU. I wouldn't use it to power even an office PC without dedicated GPU and which never sees any high loads, let alone powering a gaming PC with it with dedicated GPU in it.
Corsair CS, CX and CXm series are better than VS series but build quality wise, they still are worse than anything offered by Seasonic. While Corsair AX, AXi, HX, HXi, RMx, RMi, TXm and SF series are on-par with Seasonic PSUs.

Here, PSU replacement fixes your issue and for your PC, i suggest getting any Seasonic unit in 500W range, e.g: Focus 550, Focus+ 550, PRIME Ultra 550 Gold or PRIME Ultra 550 Platinum,
pcpp: https://pcpartpicker.com/products/compare/bkp323,9nmxFT,KmgzK8,XndxFT/

Warranty wise:
Focus: 7 years
Focus+: 10 years
PRIME: 12 years (includes all PRIME models: regular, Fanless, AirTouch, SnowSilent, Ultra)

All my 3 PCs: Skylake, Haswell and AMD are also powered by Seasonic. Full specs with pics in my sig.
Thanks for the response. I had a feeling it was indeed the PSU that was causing my issues. I was thinking of upgrading my PC soon and I assume that would only make these issues worse? Is my only practical course of action to get a new PSU?
Well, if you want to get rid of the random shut downs then yes, getting new good quality PSU will fix that. Though, depending on how much money you have, i'd also go with new CPU-MoBo-RAM combo and probably GPU upgrade as well if you use your PC mainly for gaming. For web browsing, e-mails, movie watching etc, the current specs will do though.