PC randomly switches between onboard GPU and GPU card.


Dec 13, 2016
My Asus Z170-A motherboard PC setup will randomly switch between onboard graphics and my separate GPU. Sometimes it will boot using my dedicated GPU, other times it will boot with nothing on the screen and I'll have to move the HDMI from my GPU to my onboard and everything will display fine. Then randomly (usually several dozen reboots later) it will start to use the GPU again. I tried disabling the onboard in the BIOS settings by setting it to PEG or PCI-E, but every time i reboot, when I go into BIOS, it's set to AUTO again. No idea whether it's the GPU, the mobo, or both. All components are brand new, less than a month old.

It is not the latest release. However, anytime I try updating via EZ Flash I get the error "Selected file is not a proper BIOS". I downloaded the file directly from the ASUS website.