PC Rebooted With New FX Processor


Dec 18, 2016
So, this is a rather awkward situation. I just installed a new FX 8370 in my main PC, a bit behind the times I know but it's the best I can do for my AM3+ MOBO. Anyway. The first time I installed it I found out that two pins had gotten bent, no big deal, I got out my tweezers and got them back in shape. I put the CPU in, installed the thermal paste and put the cooler on...then upon first boot, I noticed an odd behavior. The PC turned on, suddenly turned off after about a second, and then turned itself back on instantaneously and then booted fine. I'm in Windows typing this message right now with no noticeable errors or anything, but that initial power cycle does spook me a bit. Is this normal for when you install a new CPU or should I be wary of things to come?

I know my PSU is adequate for the new processor and all of my other hardware.

FX 8370 @ 4.0 Ghz (Previously FX 6300)
600W Thermaltake Smart PSU
Gigabyte 970a-ds3p MOBO
Nvidia 1050 ti

I'm not a person who does overclocking or anything. Right now I'm doing a short Prime95 run to ensure that the pins didn't effect anything.