PC Rebooting Problem on Games


Jun 1, 2017
Well I had a problem that my pc used to restart on games, high end games actually. CPU based games did just fine.
Then the problem disappeared and new problem came bout GPU load spiking from 100 to 0 and then to 100 and then to 0 and so on. I re-installed the windows which fixed the problem and games ran just fine.
Now I upgraded my CPU from core i3 4160 to core i5 4590, and the problem of Rebooting just came back now. Temps are normal on both GPU and CPU. When GPU put under load i.e Stress test or benchmarks, the pc reboots itself.
My Psu is a VS650 which is pretty low profile but I am not sure is it my psu problem or gpu problem?
My core voltage also spikes from 0.6-1.02. My GPU is r9 290x Royalking 4GB

Any help of this issue guys?
First thing I would do is run DDU in safe mode and see if that fixes things. Back up your PC before doing this of course. Shy of doing another windows install this should rule out hardware issues.


Something I would do soon as possible is replace your PSU. It is a lower tier unit (tier 4) which if it were me I would not run in my system, ever. Only use Tier 1 an Tier 2 PSUs. Anything else is asking for trouble and a bad PSU can cause issues exactly like yours. When your game is loading your CPU and GPU the power falters, then the system crashes/reboots. In your case it is the GPU powering up hard that is the issue but the result is the same. Below are two...
First thing I would do is run DDU in safe mode and see if that fixes things. Back up your PC before doing this of course. Shy of doing another windows install this should rule out hardware issues.


Something I would do soon as possible is replace your PSU. It is a lower tier unit (tier 4) which if it were me I would not run in my system, ever. Only use Tier 1 an Tier 2 PSUs. Anything else is asking for trouble and a bad PSU can cause issues exactly like yours. When your game is loading your CPU and GPU the power falters, then the system crashes/reboots. In your case it is the GPU powering up hard that is the issue but the result is the same. Below are two fairly comprehensive PSU tier lists.


Well I just ordered a AX750. I'll be posting results when I get itt

I did not get new PSU. I re-installed the windows, got more coolers, increased power limit to 50%, downlocked gpu clocl 10% and now the PC works fin af with no lags. Thankyouu