Leo Gu

Jul 26, 2017
Hello everyone
I've been having this issue for quite a while now, I've asked this in the official PUBG forum and nobody answers me, so I figured it'd be better to ask here in case of my hardware being the problem.
Some updates ago, it'd run just fine, no reboots, everything fine, but now I can't even play w/o reboots.
[strike]So, everytime I open the game, it gets to the main menu and then reboots my PC (after the BlueHole screen).[/strike]
Now I get to a match and at the end of it, it reboots. It also reboots when I click the "rewards" tab on the manu.
This is the only game that does this.
I don't think it's a overheating problem, I've done stress test and it only got to ~30C, I don't think my PSU is damaged, all my drivers are updated.
My specs are:
GPU - GTX 1060 3GB
CPU - AMD FX-6300
RAM - 12GB
PSU - Zelman ZE600-GLX (600W) (~4 years old)
Thanks for helping!

(Sorry if my English is bad)

EDIT: I've switched my CPU cooler and now I get to a match but the PC reboots after the match ends and it reboots when I click the "rewards" tab on the menu.
If you are getting a BSOD when launching a specific program then it is either a hardware fault, memory failure or a program error. The most likely solution would be to your steam library and verify the installation. If your game is missing even one file it can cause a full system crash when booting.

Also your English is fine don't worry about it
Thanks for the fast answer!
I'm not really getting a BSOD, the PC just reboots out of nowhere
Also, one day when I tried to open it again, the game just uninstalled on it's own, should I be worreid?

Ah well my answer is still what seems most likely in that case however now i am also suspecting some sort of driver fault. I would try reinstalling your Nvidia drivers again even if they are up to date