pc reset during games


May 28, 2010
my friend has a problem
everything was ok with his pc
but all of the sudden he can't play games
broswer games are ok
he can watch HD videos too
but when he tries to run a new game or run the 3d card benchmark app
the pc will reset after a few minutes
he tried to take the card out
vacum clean it & the pc
install win 7 (he had 8.1)
using older nvidia drivers
nothing helped

as mentioned above, first, try a different GPU, if that solves the issue, you know it's GPU, if not. then you should look at your PSU.

you can also check GPU/CPU temps while computer is going under load, and see if it's just overheating and shutting down because of that as well (this could be one of the problems)
Download the correct software to detect his system temperatures. It may be failing due to overheating.

I recommend CPU - Z and GPU - Z also try running the Heaven benchmark and or Furmark benchmark to see if it is his hardware failing. All of that software can be easily searched on google and downloaded. Exercise common sense when downloading things.

Hardware does fail. Just keep that in mind.
Also check if the drivers are updated. This is often a over looked thing that can cause issues.

I would like to know his system specs. If he's running a 1080 TI and a 95 watt cpu on a 500 watt PSU there will be issues.

Thanks for the specs.
Although now that I've seen them. I don't think the issue is your PSU (although it still may be).
Being that he only has one 4 gb gpu and a 85 watt cpu; He shouldn't be overdrawing power.

I would first try another gpu or just take it out. His mobo has onboard graphics. Then boot without the GTX 960 (or a different card) and run a game.

I said I don't think it would be the PSU because a 550 watt is plenty of power for those parts. But not all power supplies are created equal. And it may have began failing or is not creating the same amount of power that it used to.

Also..Is his PC resetting during every type of game? Can he play minesweeper or is his pc resetting during Crysis 3 and other high end games?
