PC restart after turning on wifi hot spot

Abhay Ranade

Jan 6, 2015
System:Acer E1-570,windows 8.1,broad band internet connection. Inbuilt wifi.
Mobile : Xperia E1-kitkat 4.4.2

I want to share PC internet with mobile via wifi. So I have try virtual router manager and WinHotSpot.

When I connect to hotspot via mobile after 2-3 minutes laptop restart aromatically.

This problem only occur when my laptop detect other hotspot.

please help to resolve this issue.

Yes,but I can't find any error in event viewer after restart.

Thanks for reply,
Is there any other alternative (free version) ?

Free version is already available on their site, click this link and download should auto start.
Can you use internet with your wifi? Or turn it on normally? Create hotspot on your android device (even it don't have internet connection) and try connection your PC via WiFi. If it shutdowns, then problem is in your WiFi card.

I think you are right.when mobile connect with laptop there is no problem.but when I start sending file then laptop is restart.
I update proper drivers but no luck.

I think, I need to refresh windows 8.1 ,might be it will work