pc restart when play games


Jan 8, 2015
hi all, my pc restart when ill play, it restart and windows rework and other times, simply, the display go black, i hear the ''beep'' that i hear always when pc start but i dont see nothing in monitor, only black screen

so ill must wait 5-10 minutes and i must try so many times to turn on pc until ill see again windows start on screen

i dont know wat is the problem, ivetried everything, but all didnt work

i reinstalled windows, reinstalled driver, changed vga, changed power supply but nothing to do

can be a problem of overheating, temperature are high when play like 80+ degrees, but i dont think that is this the problem, because pc restart also when play a very light game like hearstone that is a tablet game and temperature are low....

also sometimes i can play for 5-6 hours and dont go restart, other times i cant play all days because it restart after 2 minutes of game...

pc spec is:

asrock hg7m-ge
intelcorei5 2500
4gb ram
nvidia gtx 560
Corsair tx650m
windows 8 64 bit

thx for help

as i said the temps are high, 80+ degree when play games for vga and this is a problem but i dont think that is this the problem of crash, because it crash also when temps are near 40-50 degree, yesterday it crash when i tried to reinstall another time the nvidia drivers...

also i dont understand why sometimes i can play for hours, other times after 2-3 minutes it always crash

but with all video is ok, ive watched movies and other things on youtube and is ok

another thing, yesterday when ive tried to play, screen go violet/red for 2-3 seconds, then work again and appear an error (i dont remember perfectly the right words) ''kernel mode error, driver 347 have stopped working and are restored correctly'' and after 10-15 seconds another time violet screen but has not appeared this message and i had to restart pc

ive tried to change vga, the vga of my brother pc, a gtx 570, but problem persist and with this vga always pc crash very soon and when it happens i only see black screen on monitor and i hear the fans that go very fast
I was doing some reading and it seems like people are having similar problems because of nvidias new drivers. Try rolling back to one you know worked. If you have the disk that came from your card, try installing the old drivers with it and see if that helps.
some news, ive changed the power supply with my old power suplly that i had changed 3 months ago because also this gave me some problems, always with game

but with this yesterday i have played 4 hours with no crash, today 2 hours but 1 crash

so we can deduct that the problem is the power supply?

because before changing the power suplly i can play only for 5 minutes ....now instead the pc crash after hours

so maybe i must buy a completely new power suplly?
Well we don't know for certain that will fix the problem but if changing the psu helped, I would definitely get a better one. It looks to me like your psu is around 5 years old? Normally they last 3-4 years before they start dying. Let us know what your budget is if you do decide to get a new psu.
yeah both psu (the one that had 2 days ago and the one that use now) had like 4 years, also ive so many blackout in my house and i havnt a surge protector, can be that in all these years both psu (one of this was used on my brother pc) are damaged

my budget is like 60-70 euro, i think is enought for a good psu....

tomorrow il buy one and if isnt this the problem isnt anyway a useless buy because i need in all instance a new psu

thx for help guys, let you know if the problem will be solved
guys another problem now, after 3 weeks of play games with no crash now sometimes happens that the scren go black, its happen when i open an internet page or when i start the game

when i start the game, after 1-2 seconds the screen go black and appear a message '' Nvidia Driver has stopped working and successfully recovered'' , so i can restart the game and i can play well for hours with no crash, its happens always when i start the game, never while playing

also this thing sometimes happens when for the first time open an internet page, screen go black but not message appaer, so i must restart manually the pc but windows dont start, after the sound of ''beep'' and the windows logo the screen is black, so i must restart pc 3-4 times before that it go fine

so, what can be now the problem?

I immediately thought that the problem is the hard disk and if it is, how i can certify it? there are some programs that test the hd?

thx for help