PC restarting unknown reason


Jan 9, 2015
Hi I recently upgraded my motherboard, processor and graphics card. I have a 2 year old power supply 600W and I think its causing this problem. Most games that are demanding I can't play as as soon as I get into the game my monitor will turn off and the PC will restart. Windows will then report a bluescreen. I have a gtx 970 and a i5 4690K. My PC didn't have this issue for a week and now I am unable to play games. I'm pretty sure my old power supply is dead but I'm unsure if should buy a new one if the power supply is not the issue. How can I test if it is the issue? Help would be wonderful. Its also rebooting when I even browse on chrome or watch Vids. I'm not 100% sure its the power supply but I know its not the graphics card as I sent it back and it wasn't faulty.
Your problem is ... you recently upgraded your system now it crashes to me that says the 600 watt power supply isn't up to the task of your upgrades, Maybe the 970 is a tad to much for it So like its been said you could go to the store like best buy and try a new power supply if that works keep it ect . If not return it.
Your problem is ... you recently upgraded your system now it crashes to me that says the 600 watt power supply isn't up to the task of your upgrades, Maybe the 970 is a tad to much for it So like its been said you could go to the store like best buy and try a new power supply if that works keep it ect . If not return it.

Oh I see so places like best buy don't mind if you return it even if its not faulty. Thx