PC restarting whilst gaming


Sep 7, 2017
Hey guys I hope this is the right sub forum for this.

I just upgraded my 770gtx for a gigabyte 1080gtx as well as getting some more faster ram. I clean reinstalled windows and all drivers, though some failed during the windows installation but I think they're installed now.

I did some benchmarks before playing some games and everything was fine, played some xcom 2 and it was fine. Then I decided to see what rise of the tomb raider would be like. I turned everything on max and it worked for about 7 mins before I got a hard reboot, no messages nothing it's like the reset button got hit. I tried again lowering anti aliasing and hbao and it worked fine with 40 more frames for about 35 mins before the same thing happened.

I'm done another stress test for cpu and gpu after that for about 20 mins each and the temps were fine, avg 55 for cpu and 60 for gpu.

Any advice is much appreciated.

1080 gtx
16gb ddr3 ram
Z87-A mb
650w psu
I'm going to be upgrading my pc over time and the psu is next in line. I don't think the psu is the problem since I used the superposition benchmark for around 20 mins and it was butchering my pc but it didn't reboot and was completely fine. I'm gonna download witcher 3 and try that to see if it's just a rise of the tomb raider problem.
So I've tried witcher 3 and the same thing happened. I also tried the old 770 and that was fine playing tomb raider which rules out PSU as 770 uses more power from my understanding. I checked event viewer and it's filled with error, warning and critical messages, I'm gonna try reinstalling windows if that doesn't help I guess I'll get a replacement on the 1080.
Ah fair enough, I'll need to buy a usb so I'll try reinstalling windows first since the errors are weird. Also I just remembered I tried my old ram and the PC wouldn't boot, the fans turned on and went back off again I didn't think much of it though since the new ram was working fine.
Right, it seems like I've sorted it out, after resetting and updating my bios the reset haven't happened in a couple hours of playing tomb raider however I'm getting weird fps. Around 40-90 on lowest and 30-90 on max settings. The problems never end :/