PC restarts when playing high perfomance games.


Aug 5, 2015
Hello guys, I'm new here but always found solutions to computer problems here.
So I hope you can help me out again :)

I bough new GTX 980 Gaming G1 and installed it.
Firstly, it loaded BIOS very slowly, made 3 quick beeps with about 1 minute from each one and only then loaded windows 10.

Windows loaded correctly, drivers were cleanly installed, games like GTA 5 and AC Unity on max parameters are going really good without any lag, but when trying Crysis 3 or Witcher 3 then after 15 seconds from game-start monitor goes black and says "HDMI not found", PC restarts and video card or CPU goes very loud...

Secondly, I found out that my PSU has 2x6pins but Video card needed 2x8pin...So i went to store and bough new PSU. My old one was 500Wat and new one is 700Wat with 2x6+2pins which perfectly fitted in.

So...I cleaned all drivers with driver sweeper and updated BIOS to F13, installed drivers when everything loaded up and it still is happening. (After updating BIOS loads much faster now)

Waiting for your reply guys! :3

My Specs:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980.
i7-3770L CPU 3.50GHz.
GA-Z77M-3DH LGA 1155.
SSD 240GB.
HDD 500GB.
Lepa MaxBron B700-MB 700W.

How to record? And when you want me to record? Like, when I will start the game? And I don't think it's over-heating because I launch the game and 15 seconds later pc shutdowns. Right now I tried to launch League of Legends and it imidiatly crashed my PC and made about 8-10 quick beeps.

So is Z77 motherboard good for gtx 980? I just couldn't find anything in the net...and if that's so then should I RMA?
(Just played GTA on max settings, everything went fine, but when I changed person from Michel to Franklin then it happened again)

OKay! I messaged the shop where I bough it, hoping I can RMA my video card. Will post answer tomorrow! (Or when I will get my new card)


Gave my video card back to shop yesterday. They said need to wait 2 weeks till they will give me new one (Maybe less). But if they wont find any problems with it then I will need to wait for 3 months :C
you'd be surprised how quickly the heat generates. couple seconds into rendering they're well over 50°.
have never heard of 3 months for return after troubleshooting. i would've told them to go to hell and contacted the card manufacturer.
it is very strange that GTAV & Unity would run fine but Wild Hunt & Crysis 3 wouldn't. all four are rather taxing games. should've recorded or watched the temps and\or run some stress tests yourself before sending it back to pinpoint the problem a bit more, but hopefully they will find something wrong and send you a new one "quick".

what country do you reside and what's the shop's name claiming 3 months for return under that circumstance?

Hey there ^^ It wasn't over-heating problem, they said it's videocard memory problem, whenever it reached to use 2nd or 3rd GB it crashed. GTA crashed too but only when it changed from person to person aka from Franklin to Trevor for example.

Also I monitored the temperatures, they never went past 50 :)
Also they said it will take 2 weeks now, minimum 2 weeks.
that's awesome, kind of. sucks you had the problem at all but waiting 3 months would've driven me nuts. would've definitely bought a new one before that one made it back to me.
hope the new card goes well. those 980s are nice...

They are, played games on my friends PC with duo gtx 980. Well, I will write when I will get my card back :) Thanks for being supportive guys :3


Got my video card back today. Still same problem. 🙁

do you know if the shop did in-house testing or sent it back to manufacturer? there should be a troubleshooting report included. is it a new card or same you gave back to them originally?
if it was the shop that did the testing, i wouldn't trust that they actually did proper testing or any "repairs"?

i believe that's a Gigabyte card, correct? have you registered the card online with the manufacturer? i would contact them directly and start a support ticket. give them opportunity to help.

Shop sent it back to manufacturer, was waiting for 18 days and got it back today. Guy said they just "wiped" it...not sure what it means exactly.
sound like BS. the only thing there would be to "wipe" is any overclock settings. maybe they flashed the BIOS but doubt it as that should be specified.
is there a support ticket from the manufacturer included? talk to the shop and tell them you need to see the documentation. it will specify by your specific serial # with a report from the manufacturer.

didn't answer if it is a Gigabyte card. i would still start a support ticket with whoever the manufacturer is and explain all of this to them also.


Link to GPU-Z log before crashing:

Another GPU-Z:

I tried my card again today, played Witcher 3 for about 5 minutes without crashing. Then, while looking at gpu-z stats decided to google something about it and as I opened my browser pc crashed again. (Opening browswer while game was still on but on the background)

Gpu-z shows that my max gpu temperatue is 70. Anytime it reaches this temp pc crashes. :c

Yes video card is Gigabyte windforce GTX 980 G1.

Oh and I asked again, yeah, they just wiped gpu bios. Games run better now, sometimes it crashes in 1-5 seconds, sometimes in 1-5 minutes. But all the time it crashes when it reaches 70 temperature :C


Visited my friend today with my new video card. Tested it out. Everything works perfectly.
So video card is OK.

Now I guess problem is with spu. Because old card, which is 560 gtx works fine on this motherboard. though right now I decided to test it out by stressing it out with furmark.

EDIT: It's OK. I don't have any ideas what to do now. All components work great but gtx 980 doesn't want to work on my pc, but on any other it works just great. :C

i have seen some bad reports about the MaxBron B series so that may be a good place to start with further troubleshooting. i would still want to try one of your friend's 980s in your system to see if your PSU can push their's okay.

maybe try your card in your own alternate PCie slot, if it's at least 8x, to see if it could possibly be a factor.

Will try. And I don't have second 16x pcli slot on my board :c There is one but video card doesn't fit in there.

Well, I RMA'd my video card again and got it back today, tried Witcher 3 and it went okay but I noticed that when card reached 70 fans even didn't try to cool it downs. Changed settings in Guru and its okay now. Then i tried furmark test and it crashed pc at the first 2 seconds when it started. Now I really don't know what to do.